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My real name is Scott, but on the Internets and some devices I almost always go by some derivation of "Agent UhOh7." These are the more common derivations (shown with most likely capitalization):
- AgentUhOh7
- Agent UhOh7
- Agent Uh-Oh 7
- Aguhoh7 (due to a weird bug in an old MS-DOS version of Monopoly)
- Uh Oh 7
I came up with the idea for using "Agent UhOh7" around 2000 when I got my very own AOL screen name. It's a pun on James Bond's famous "007" number, except that "Agent UhOh7" is a more mistake-prone version who goes by the name "James Blunder."
I was born and still live in Santa Rosa, California, about an hour's drive north of San Francisco.
Wikipedia articles I've created
Wikipedia articles I've edited