Ahmed Raza Kasuri
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Ahmed Raza Kasuri was a Pakistani politician. Although a long-time member of the Pakistan People's Party, he rebelled against the regime of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The assassination of Kasuri's father in 1975 prompted Kasuri to accuse Bhutto of organising an attempted assassination against him. The Kasuri murder case caused Bhutto's popularity to plummett. Despite his allegations against Bhutto, Mr. Kasuri rejoined the party and contested the 1977 elections on a PPP ticket. After Bhutto's ouster Kasuris case against Bhutto was used as a pretext by General Zia ul Haq to charge Bhutto with murder. Bhutto was executed in 1979, subsequently Kasuri remained associated with Tehrik-e-Istiqlal for a period of time before withdrawing from politics. He briefly joined Tehrik-e-insaf of Imran Khan prior to the 2002 general elections and contested (and lost) from Rawalpindi. He is presently an advocate at the Supreme Court of Pakistan.