Aide-de-camp to the Emperor of Japan
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In Japan, the aide-de-camp to the Emperor (侍従武官 jiju bukan?) is a special military official whose primary duties are to report military affairs to the Emperor and act as a close attendant (chamberlain). From 1896 through to 1945, a small number of army and naval aides-de-camp were supplied to the Emperor due to his increased status and the risks to him during wartime.
An excerpt from the 133th Imperial decree of Meiji-29 (1896) (明治29年勅令第113号?):[1]
- Aides-de-camp to the Emperor will perform attendant duties and will relay to him military matters and orders, be present at military reviews [in his name] and accompanying him to formal ceremonies and interviews.
Both Prime Minister Suzuki Kantaro (鈴木貫太郎?) and Anan Korechika (阿南惟幾?), army ministers at the end of the war, are said to have contributed to the Potsdam Declaration acceptance by means of their responsibilities to Emperor Showa as the grand chamberlain and aide-de-camp to the Emperor in 1929 (Showa-4).
Moreover, to the Crown Prince, the Imperial Family, and the Prince's fellows (the former South Korean Emperor's entire family), aides-de-camp were also provided. The military officers serving the Prince's fellows wore silver aiguillettes over their uniform.
[edit] See also
- Chamberlain of Japan, a similar title without military duties
- Imperial Household Agency
[edit] Reference
- ^ 侍従武官ハ天皇ニ常侍奉仕シ軍事ニ関スル奏上奉答及命令ノ伝達ニ任シ観兵演習行幸其他祭儀礼典宴会謁見等ニ陪侍扈従ス