Talk:Aijaz Ahmad
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[edit] Ahmad as a Historian
Certainly in In Theory he works as a historian and his critical engagement with/against post-moderism and the Subaltern Studie group merits, in my opinion, his inclusion in the category of Indian historians. I think he should have a category more specific than just "Indian People", which is far too vague. If anyone one has other better or complementary ideas for categories, we can discuss them here. Interlingua talk 02:44, 15 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Probably is the most engaging
that cheapens the article....He's amazing, but come cheapens it
[edit] Removed personal opinion
The article had one sentence of fulsome praise for Aijaz Ahmad; I removed it. WP cannot take any position on the truth or falsity of his ideas, on his intelligence or lack thereof. If someone wants to quote a reliable source as to his importance, please do. Zora 07:23, 1 January 2007 (UTC)