User:Alexbonaro/Present Day Philadelphia crime family
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Philadelphia crime family Hierarchy: 1. Boss: Joseph "Uncle Joe" Ligambi/66 2. UnderBoss: Steven "Handsome Steve" Mazzone/42 (IP/2/01/2008) -Acting UnderBoss: Anthony Staino (Nephew of Imprisoned Soldier Ralph “Junior” Staino) 3. Consiglieri: George Borgesi/42 (IP/6/10/2012)(Nephew of Boss Joseph Ligambi) -Acting Consiglieri: Michael "Mikey Lance" Lancelotti
Capos: 1. Gaeton Lucibello/52 2. Michael "Mikey Lance" Lancelotti/Acting Consiglieri/Martin "Marty" Angelina 3. Vincent "Beepsie" Centorino/75/NJ (I've got it from a good source that he is now the new Capo for North Jersey) 4. ????/SJ (It was reported recently that a new Capo was appointed in South Jersey. Don't know who it is yet)
Soldiers: (One of these guy's is the South Jersey Capo) 1. Anthony Staino/Acting UnderBoss 2. Martin "Marty" Angelina/43/Acting Capo 3. Michael Angelina (Brother of Mary Angelina) 4. Anthony "Tony Cujino" Accardo/45 5. Frank Gambino/73 6. Vincent "Vince" Iannece (Son of Imprisoned Scarfo Soldier Charles “Charlie White” Iannece) 7. Michael "Mikey PenKnife" Virgilio (Son of Deceased Soldier Nicholas “Nicky the Blade” Virgilio) 8. Anthony Nicodemo 9. Vincent "Vince" Filipelli/53 10. Joseph Bongiovanni/67 11. Albert Lancelotti (Cousin of Capo/Acting Consiglieri Michael "Mikey Lance" Lancelotti) 12. Anthony Borgesi (Brother of Consiglieri George Borgesi and nephew of Boss Joseph Ligambi) 13. Ralph "Ralphie Head" Abbruzzi/56 14. Salvatore "Sonny" Mazzone (Brother of UnderBoss Steven “Handsome Steve” Mazzone) 15. Stephen "Stevie Gongs" Casasanto 16. Joseph "Scoops" Licata/64/NJ
-Anthony "Tony" Cianfrani/76 (I am not sure if he is made)
-Frank Lacastro (He has been mentioned as being made I am sure he is not, considering the FBI info that has come out. I think it was just an internet rumor)
Recently Released: 1. Anthony "Tony" Pungitore Jr./51 (Don't know if he has gotten back in the game) 2. Gennaro "Joseph Costello" Boccia/56 (He was a Bruno era Soldier that was busted in 1990. He got out a few years ago but I don't know if he is still active.) 3. Nicholas "Nicky Whip" Milano (He is considered Inactive now)
Imprisoned Members:
1. Joseph "Skinny Joey" Merlino/43 (IP/9/7/2011)(Son of Imprisoned Former UnderBoss Salvatore Merlino, Nephew of Deceased Former Capo Lawrence Merlino) - Now that Ligambi is Official Boss woh knows where that leaves Merlino
2. Joseph "Mousie" Massimino/55 (IP)(Former Acting UnderBoss)
3. John "Johnny Chang" Ciangalini/50 (IP/2/01/2008)(Son of Imprisoned Former Capo Joseph Ciangalini Sr., Brother of Former UnderBoss Joseph Ciangalini Jr. and of DeCeased Soldier Michael Ciangalini)
4. Shawn Vetere/37/Boston (UI/IP)
-I haven't listed the imprisoned Scarfo and Stanfa guy's.
-I also haven't listed the older members that are long retired or inactive.
-I should add that I haven't updated all of the ages in a few months so some of these guy's may be a year older than listed.