American academy of diplomacy
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[edit] The American Academy of Diplomacy
The American Academy of Diplomacy is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, elected organization whose active membership is limited to men and women who have held positions of high responsibility in crafting and implementing American foreign policy. They have served the United States as chiefs of mission in major embassies abroad, and/or equivalent high-level foreign policy positions in Washington. Founded in 1983, the Academy focuses the expertise of its members on the pursuit of excellence in the practice of American diplomacy, and essential tool in the promotion of U.S. values, security and prosperity.
The academy is financially supported by its members, and by grants from foundations and corporate contributors.
[edit] Leadership
Thomas R. Pickering, Chairman
Marc Grossman, Vice-Chairman
Brandon Grove, President
Nicholas Veliotes, Treasurer
Roscoe Suddarth, Secretary
Board of Directors
Julia Chang Bloch, Avis Bohlen, James F. Collins, Charles W. Freeman Jr., Robert L. Gallucci, Charles A. Gillespie Jr., H. Allen Holmes, Robert E. Hunter, L. Craig Johnstone, James R. Jones, Princeton N. Lyman, Patricia Gates Lynch, George Moose, Phyllis E. Oakley, R. Marcus Palmers, Edward M. Rowell, J. Stapleton Roy, Daniel Simpson, Edward S. Walker Jr., Anthony Zinni
Program Director
Hoang Anh Lam
Former Chairmen
Joseph J. Sisco, Max M. Kampelman, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Frank C. Carlucci, Sol M. Linowitz, Elliot Richardson
Former Presidents
Bruce Laingen, David H. Popper, David D. Newsom
== Membership ==
O. Rudolph Aggrey, Madeleine Albright, Michael Armacost, Richard Armitage, Anne Armstrong, Diego C. Asencio, J. Brian Atwood, James A. Baker, III, Harry G. Barnes, Jr., Charlene Barshefsky, Reginald Bartholomew, Lucius D. Battle, Richard E. Benedick, Samuel R. Berger, Shirley Temple Black, Julia Chang Bloch, Avis Bohlen, Stephen W. Bosworth, Robert R. Bowie, Thomas D. Boyatt, Everett Briggs, Keith L. Brown, Kenneth L. Brown, Peter Burleigh, Prudence Bushnell, Patricia M. Byrne, Frank C. Carlucci, Wendy Chamberlin, Warren Christopher, Joan M. Clark, William Clark, Jr., Harlan Cleveland, Herman Cohen, James F. Collins, Elinor G. Constable, Edwin G. Corr, John Hugh Crimmins, Chester A. Crocker, William J. Crowe, Walter L. Cutler, Kenneth W. Dam, Jeffrey Davidow, Nathaniel Davis, John Gunther Dean, Edward P. Djerejian, James F. Dobbins, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Donald Easum, Luigi Einaudi, Stuart Eizenstat, Theodore L. Eliot, Jr., Richard Fox, Charles W. Freeman, Jr., Robert Gallucci, Richard N. Gardner, Robert S. Gelbard, Charles A. Gillespie, Jr., Edward W. Gnehm, Jr., Robert F. Goheen, James E. Goodby, Lincoln Gordon, Marc Grossman, Brandon Grove, Richard N. Haass, Alexander Haig, Lee Hamilton, William C. Harrop, Arthur A. Hartman, Ulric Haynes, Carla A. Hills, Deane R. Hinton, Richard Holbrooke, Genta Hawkins Holmes, H. Allen Holmes, Donna Hrinak, Thomas C. Hubbard, Thomas L. Hughes, Robert E. Hunter, Martin Indyk, Robert S. Ingersoll, L. Craig Johnstone, A. Elizabeth Jones, James Jones, Philip M. Kaiser, Curtis Kamman, Max M. Kampelman, Robert V. Keeley, Kenton Keith, Roger Kirk, Henry A. Kissinger, John Kornblum, Daniel C. Kurtzer, Dennis Kux, Bruce Laingen, Melvin R. Laird, Anthony Lake, Alan Larson, George W. Landau, James F. Leonard, Melvyn Levitsky, Samuel W. Lewis, Winston Lord, Stephen Low, William H. Luers, Princeton N. Lyman, Patricia Lynch Ewell, Charles McC. Mathias, Jack F. Matlock, Jr., Donald F. McHenry, John McLaughlin, Robert McNamara, William Milam, Robert H. Miller, Walter Mondale, George Moose, Langhorne A. Motley, David D. Newsom, Thomas Niles, Sam Nunn, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Phyllis E. Oakley, Robert B. Oakley, Herbert S. Okun, Henry D. Owen, R. Marcus Palmer, Ronald D. Palmer, Richard Parker, Robert Pearson, Robert Pelletreau, Charles Percy, Edward Perkins Douglas Peterson, Thomas R. Pickering, Nicholas Platt, David H. Popper, Colin L. Powell, Joseph W. Prueher, Anthony C.E. Quainton, Charles Redman, John E. Reinhardt, Rozanne L. Ridgway, William D. Rogers, Felix Rohatyn, Dennis Ross, Edward M. Rowell, J. Stapleton Roy, Donald Rumsfeld, Harold Saunders, Robert M. Sayre, Howard B. Schaffer, James R. Schlesinger, Brent Scowcroft, William W. Scranton, Raymond G. H. Seitz, Sally Shelton-Colby, Harry W. Shlaudeman, George P. Shultz, Daniel Simpson, Richard H. Solomon, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Joan Spero, Ronald Spiers, Monteagle Stearns, Roscoe S. Suddarth, William H. Sullivan, William L. Swing, Phillips Talbot, Strobe Talbott, Clyde D. Taylor, Terence A. Todman, Malcolm Toon, Leonard S. Unger, Viron P. Vaky, William J. vanden Heuvel, Nicholas A. Veliotes, Richard N. Viets, Edward S. Walker, Alexander F. Watson, William Webster, Melissa F. Wells, John C. Whitehead, Frank G. Wisner, John Wolf, Paul Wolfowitz, Johnny Young, Anthony Zinni
[edit] Scholarships
The Phillip Merrill Scholarship
The Academy, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), awards the Phillip Merrill Fellowship for a winning essay on the practice of American diplomacy. The fellowship provides one half of SAIS tuition for each of two years of study.
The Leonard Marks Foundation Award for Creative Writing on American Foreign Policy
Participants in this contest submit essays on specific challenges to American diplomacy, and propose policy recommendations to address them. The Academy selects three winners at differing award levels.
[edit] Awards
The Walter and Leonore Annenberg Award for Excellence in Diplomacy
The Academy hosts an annual awards luncheon at the Department of State to recognize and individual or group who has made exemplary contributions to the field of American diplomacy.
The Arthur Ross Award for Distinguished Reporting and Analysis of Foreign Affairs
Since 2004, the Academy has presented the Arthur Ross Award to journalists who have produced the most compelling and insightful pieces concerning American diplomati efforts.
The Douglas Dillon Award for Distinguished Writing on American Diplomacy
Since 1995, the Academy has awarded an annual prize for a book of distinction on the practice of American diplomacy. This award honors those who broaden public understanding of the need for excellence in American diplomacy.