Ancient Greek technology
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Ancient Greek technology is a set of artifacts and customs that lasted for more than one thousand years. The Romans took a lot of Greek ideas and improved on them. Greek technology had a profound impact both on Western and Muslim civilization. Notable Greek technological inventions include cranes, screws, gears, organs, odometer, dial and pointer devices, wheelbarrows, diving bells, parchment, crossbows, torsion catapults, rutways, showers, roof tiles, breakwaters, the MULTI.cannon and many more innovations.
Greek technicians were pioneers in three of the first four means of non-human propulsion known prior to the Industrial Revolution: watermills, windwheels, and steam engines, although only water power became extensively used in ancient Greece.
[edit] Ancient Greek technologies
Technology | Date | Comment |
Crane | ca. 515 BC | Labour-saving device which allowed the employment of small and efficient work teams on construction sites. |
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Topics about Ancient Greece edit | ||
Places: Aegean Sea | Hellespont | Macedon | Sparta | Athens | Corinth | Thermopylae | Antioch | Alexandria | Pergamon | Miletus | Delphi | Olympia | Troy | ||
Life: Agriculture | Art | Cuisine | Economy | Law | Medicine | Pederasty | Pottery | Prostitution | Slavery | Technology | ||
Philosophy: Pythagoras | Heraclitus | Parmenides | Protagoras | Empedocles | Democritus | Socrates | Plato | Aristotle | Zeno | Epicurus | ||
Literature: Homer | Hesiod | Pindar | Aeschylus | Sophocles | Euripides | Aristophanes | Herodotus | Thucydides | Xenophon | Polybius | ||
Buildings: Parthenon | Temple of Artemis | Acropolis | Ancient Agora | Arch of Hadrian | Statue of Zeus | Colossus of Rhodes | Temple of Hephaestus | Samothrace temple complex | ||
Chronology: Aegean civilization | Mycenaean civilization | Greek dark ages | Ancient Greece | Hellenistic Greece | Roman Greece |