Andrew Leigh
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Dr Andrew Leigh (1972- ) is an economist in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University.
His current research is in the fields of labour economics, public finance and political economy. He has previously worked as a lawyer for Minter Ellison (Sydney) and Clifford Chance (London), and as Associate to Justice Michael Kirby of the High Court of Australia. He has also worked as a researcher for the British Labour Party, as senior trade adviser to the Australian Labor Party, and as a research fellow with the Progressive Policy Institute (Washington DC).
Andrew holds a BA(Hons) and LLB(Hons) from the University of Sydney, and a MPA and PhD from Harvard University. He has published over 20 journal articles in the disciplines of economics, public policy and law, and over 50 opinion pieces. His research findings have been discussed in the Australian, Australian Financial Review, Christian Science Monitor, The Economist, New York Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Time Magazine, and Washington Post.
[edit] Books
Imagining Australia: Ideas for Our Future by Macgregor Duncan, Andrew Leigh, David Madden ,Peter Tynan, Published by Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2004. [1]
[edit] Honors and awards
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Early Career Award (2006) [2]
Best Discussant Award, Annual PhD Conference in Economics and Business (2006)
Garran Oration, Institute of Public Administration Australia (2004).
[edit] External Links
Andrew Leigh's ANU website [3]
Andrew Leigh's Blog [4]