Antioch University New England
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Antioch University New England is a private graduate school located in Keene, New Hampshire. It is part of the Antioch University system that includes campuses in Seattle, Washington; Los Angeles, California; Santa Barbara, California; and Yellow Springs, Ohio. According to the Antioch University New England website the average age of the students there is 36. "Women comprise 73% of the student body. About 70% of our students are New Englanders who commute from as far away as Portland, Maine, southern Connecticut, and western New York State. The remaining 30% have relocated to Keene from across the United States and from as far away as China, Africa, and the Middle East."
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[edit] History
In 1964, Antioch College leaped into the realm of graduate education, launching a new graduate school on the East Coast. The goal of the new institution was education with a practical and progressive bent: graduate education that connected students with the world around them in practical and meaningful ways (see Antioch Mission Statement). The new school, called Antioch-Putney, opened its doors in Putney, Vermont.
The pioneering students all entered the master's program for education and spent much of their time gaining practical experience to complement their classroom work. They worked to serve the largely neglected rural communities in the region with their teaching.
The school moved from Putney to Harrisville, in the New Hampshire hills. It slowly grew, offering more graduate programs and expanding the scope of the education department.
Antioch University New England is currently situated in an old furniture factory in Keene, New Hampshire, almost exactly midway between the former locations. It serves a student body of around 1,200 students, offering master's degrees in twenty-three different programs, and two doctoral programs.
[edit] Mission
Students are still required to perform as many as 600 hours of on the job experience, during intensive internships that prepare Antioch students for the practical work ahead. Classes are scheduled with the working student in mind. To create the time for those internships, each department usually holds all its classes on one or two days of the week. The University works hard to maintain its commitment to service by working together with local and regional organizations to create a stronger community. One example is the Antioch New England Institute (ANEI), formed to encourage greater community engagement in such areas as local government, education, and environmental protection. (See the Antioch Mission Statement.)
[edit] Academics
[edit] Applied Psychology
Offering master's degrees in clinical mental health counseling, dance/movement therapy, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse counseling, and a certificate program in autism spectrum disorders.
[edit] Clinical Psychology
Offering a doctoral program in clinical psychology (PsyD)
[edit] Education
Offering master's degrees in integrated learning and Waldorf teacher training, as well as programs for experienced educators and principal certification.
Antioch University New England offers one of three established Waldorf Teacher Training programs in the United States (the others being Sunbridge College and Rudolf Steiner College). Antioch's Waldorf training program is noted because it offers optional state certification and master's degree additions to the Waldorf training. The Antioch Center for School Renewal, the service wing of the education department, provides ongoing support for teachers and schools working to create nurturing, equitable environments for teaching and learning.
Beginning in the summer of 2007, students from across the country will begin study in School Change, Leadership, or Educating for Sustainability in the summer sequence program. This program will combine three weeks of intensive study under some of the most innovative educators around with fall and winter course work in their own schools and classrooms.
[edit] Environmental Studies
Offering master's degrees in conservation biology, environmental advocacy, environmental education, science teacher certification, resource management and conservation, and individualized programs. Antioch New England also offers a doctoral program in environmental studies.
A student internship in Environmental Studies eventually blossomed into a journal published nation-wide and respected in its field. Antioch University New England proudly reaps the fruit of that project, the annual environmental journal Whole Terrain, a journal of "reflective environmental practice."
Antioch University New England's Environmental Advocacy and Organizing Program was recognized by Moveon.Org's Executive Director, Eli Pariser, as a model program for working positively to promote and protect the environment (Antioch News).
[edit] Organization & Management
Offering master's degrees in management, administration and supervision, a "green MBA" (MBA in organizational and environmental sustainability), and an organization development certificate.
Antioch New England's green MBA program is one of few in the United States. Curriculum and faculty come from the Department of Environmental Studies as well as from Organization & Management.
[edit] Alumni and Faculty
[edit] Notable Antioch University New England Faculty
Tom Wessels is a much loved member of Antioch’s Environmental Studies faculty. Seemingly sprung from the woods himself, Wessels takes students through the history of New England’s varied landscapes. Wessels' books, enjoyed by experts and laypeople alike, teach the reader to see the world differently. His books include The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future (2006), Untamed Vermont (2003), The Granite Landscape: A Natural History of America’s Mountain Domes from Acadia to Yosemite (2001), and Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England (1997)."
[edit] Notable Antioch University New England Alumni
[edit] External links
- 50 States Profile of Antioch University New England
- Antioch Center for School Renewal. Antioch New England: Antioch Center for School Renewal
- Antioch New England: Multicultural Center for Practice and Research
- Building Stronger Communities and Schools: Antioch New England Institute
- Google Map of Antioch University New England
- profile of Antioch University New England
[edit] Other Antioch Campuses
- Antioch University website
- Antioch College website
- Antioch University McGregor website
- Antioch University Seattle website
- Antioch University New England website
- Antioch University Los Angeles website
- Antioch University Santa Barbara website
[edit] References
- Antioch University New England. "About ANE: ANE History." (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch University New England. "About ANE: ANE Students." (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch University New England. "About ANE: Mission and Values." (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch University New England. "Antioch New England" (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch Center for School Renewal. "Antioch New England: Antioch Center for School Renewal" (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch New England Institute. "Building Stronger Communities and Schools" (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 24, 2006, Link
- Antioch University New England. "Antioch New England: News & Event Details" (2006). World Wide Web. Retrieved October 25, 2006, Link
- Watts, Heidi. (2000) Antioch in New England: The First Eight Years, Antioch New England Graduate School. ISBN 1-881245-13-6