A dark-haired twenty-four year old Netrunner and freelance graphic designer from Southern California with an interest in comic books, video games, and movies. Also a prolific writer, illustrator, and multimedia artist. Co-Administrator and Associate Editor for the entertainment news website, Gearcritech.com.
My interest in comics stems from my childhood, when I collected Spawn and X-men trading cards. That hobby led to the eventual addiction to those respective comic books, which in turn led to my complete and utter addiction to any and all form of comic book. That, coupled with my artistic talent, made an excellent combo for an aspiring comic book artist.
- Favorite Comics: I'm currently on a hiatus from reading comics, but prior to my break my regular comics were: Spider-man (all titles), X-men (all titles), Daredevil, Punisher, X-Force (X-Statix), Wolverine, Cable (Michael Ryan days), Ghost Rider, Deadpool, Elektra, Batman (all titles), The Authority, Harley Quinn, Powers, Hellboy, Spawn (including Dark Ages and Curse)
At age sixteen, I graduated high school and started attending college, where I developed an interest in computers. Translating my love of art to digital media, I began training in graphic design. In 2001 I obtained my Associate of Sciences Degree in Graphics Technology, followed by a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design in 2005 at age twenty-two.
Today I work as an IT Analyst for a national publishing corporation and a freelance Graphic Designer. In my spare time I also write and draw webcomics and ashcans, and have several large scale comic projects in development for self-publication. I debuted my first web comic in 2001 as a collaboration with my best friend, Sliptide.
The Kind of People I've Come to Loathe:
- 1. People with little or no human decency and/or moral standards.
- 2. People on power trips who think they are better than others.
- 3. People who exhibit unwarranted aggression and hostile behavior towards undeserving individuals in a friendly environment.
- 4. People who force their opinions on others as fact even when inapplicable or when incorrect and presumed.
- 5. People who consistently misinterpret tone and derive a skewed outlook from another user's statement.
- 6. People who think that they have more authority than they truly do.
- 7. People who claim to be academic scholars or masters of the English language, yet misspell words and type with sloppy grammar all too frequently.
- At my core, I am a very nice guy. I am always friendly with people and on good terms, even in the midst of disagreements. However, when certain people do not have the civility to remain calm, cordial and polite in a discussion and instead opt to be brash and insulting, I become annoyed.
- When I am arguing a point, and my argument is flawed, I am not afraid to admit that I am wrong. I have no problem backing down. However, when my point has no relevance to right and wrong and someone else holds fast to their own conviction that I am in fact arguing a point, I will either 1) continue to argue my point until my original intention is acknowledged, or 2) realize the futility of debating with someone so hardheaded and ignorant and end the debate forthwith.
- I've encountered my fair share of asshats across the web, some on public forums, some on Wikipedia, others at work or in the general public. It is nothing new to me, and through my experiences I have learned one fine detail about these types of people: The more you argue with them, the more they get off on it. It is that kind of person who is so pathetic that they must create constant tension and turmoil in the community around them. An egotistical act of self-affirmation, perhaps?