Armies of warhammer
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The table-top games of Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40,000 are populated by many nations and races which are covered by one or more armies - which have been defined by a separate "army list" or with more detail as a "Warhammer Army" book, "Codex" in 40,000. Over the lifetime of the games there have been many army lists published, these have evolved, discontinued, or been replaced. Players of either game or there spin-offs have a wide variety of army choices and each army is customized by the player to better suit their playing style. All games are produced by Games Workshop.
Contents |
[edit] Warhammer Fantasy
- Amazons (No longer available as a regular army)
- Araby (Warmaster only)
- Beasts of Chaos (formerly part of the chaos army. Also called "Beastmen")
- Bretonnia
- Chaos Dwarves (No longer available as a regular army. Rules still found on website)
- Dark Elves (Formerly known as Night/Chaos Elves)
- Daemons (Currently played with Hordes of Chaos. Available as a regular army using the Storm of Chaos Campaign Book. )
- Dogs of War (Mercenaries)
- Dwarfs
- The Empire (also called The Empire of Man)
- High Eves
- Hordes of Chaos
- Kislev (Can be used as part of the Empire army. rules found on website)
- Lizardmen
- Norse (Standard army no longer available)
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Orcs & Goblins
- Pygmies (no longer available)
- Slann (replaced by Lizardmen)
- Skaven
- Tomb Kings
- Undead(replaced by Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts.)
- Vampire Counts
- Wood Elves
[edit] Warhammer 40,000
Note that this article does not list sub-sections (such as White Woles for Space Marines or Eldar craftworlds). See main articles below or website for more details and active units for the game.
- Chaos Space Marines
- Deamon Hunters
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar
- Imperial Guard
- Necrons
- Orks
- Space Marines
- Space Pirates (Battlefleet Gothic only)
- Squats (discontinued)
- Tau Empire
- Tyranids
- Witch Hunters
[edit] Armies of Mordheim
- A game were Warbands (gangs) battle each other for domination.
- Averland Mercenaries (Empire)
- Beastmen Raiders (Beastmen)
- Carnival of Chaos (Chaos- Nurgle)
- Cult of the Possessed (Chaos)
- Dwarf Treasure Hunters (Dwarves)
- Kislevite Warband (Empire)
- Marienburg Mercenaries (Empire)
- Middenheim Mercenaries (Empire)
- Orcs & Goblins Hordes (Orcs)
- Ostander Mercenaries (Empire)
- Reikland Mercenaries (Empire)
- Sisters of Sigmar (Empire)
- Skaven Warband (Skaven)
- Undead (Undead)
- Witch Hunters (Empire)
- Amazon Warriors (Lustria)
- Bretonnian Knights (Bretonnia)
- Dark Elves Warband (Dark Elves)
- Lizardmen Warriors (Lizardmen)
- Norse Warband
- Pirate Crew
- Pit Fighters
- Shadow Warriors (High Elves)
- The Outlaws of Stirwood Forest
- Tomb Guardians
[edit] Armies of Inquisitor
- .
Inquisitorial Retinues (henchmen)
- Mystics
- Sages
- Warriors
- Familiars
- Priests
- Acolytes
- Chiurgeons
- Penitent
- Thorianism
- Monodominance
- Amalathianism
- Xanthism
- Horusians
- Recongregationism
- Istvaanism
[edit] Necromunda
See main article for more details. Warhammer 40,000 version of Mordheim.
- Cawdor
- Delaque
- Escher
- Goliath
- Orlock
- Van Saar
- The Cult of the Red Redemption
- Pit Slaves
- Ratskins
- Scavvies
- Spyre Hunters
- Alternative gangs (mail order and special gangs such as Squat Miners)
[edit] Man O'War
Navel Battle version of Warhammer Fantasy
[edit] Blood Bowl
A bloody Football game simaler to EA's Mutant League Football set in Warhammer Fantasy. The armies of the game are the same as the main game with the following add-ons:
- Werewolves
- halflings
[edit] Warmaster
large scale battles with smaller figures set in Warhammer Fantasy.
[edit] Epic (Armagedon)
Warhammer 40,000 Version of warmaster.
[edit] Battlefleet Gothic
Space navy set in a style simaler to the space battles of Star Wars.
[edit] Warhammer Historical
Officially called Warhammer Ancient Battles. History based game featureing cowboys, Huns, Shogun Empires, Greek Worriors. This game is not featured in Warhammer catalogs and rarely supported by Games Workshop stores in the U.S.
[edit] Unofficial Armies
Several publications, such as Warhammer Chronicles 2004, and White Dwarf Magazine, list several armies that are in existence but are forbidden in major tournaments such as Rouge Trader and Games Day (convention) Grand Tournament.
[edit] Army Expansions
Several companies such as Forge World makes army products that are not featured in the army books. Games Workshop sometimes allows these items to be used in Tournaments. Many players and hobbyist also make their own and sometimes enter them in Golden Deamon (GW's model making/painting competition).
[edit] References
- Warhammer core rule books
- Warhammer codex and armies rule books
- Warhammer supplements
- White Dwarf Magazine
- Games workshop (G/W)
- Forge World
- Warhammer, G/W catalogs
[edit] External links
Major Games: | Warhammer Fantasy Battle • Warmaster • Mordheim • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay • Man O' War • Warhammer Ancient Battles |
Nations and races: | Bretonnia • Chaos • Chaos Dwarfs • Dark Elves • Dogs of War • Dwarfs • The Empire • High Elves • Kislev • Lizardmen • Ogres • Orcs & Goblins • Skaven • Undead (Tomb Kings & Vampire Counts) • Wood Elves |
Places: | The Old World • Araby • Cathay • Lustria • Ulthuan • Southlands • Naggaroth • Dark Lands • Albion • |
People: | List of major characters |
More: | List of creatures in Warhammer Fantasy • Warhammer Fantasy deities • Lores of Magic |
WargamesCatagory:Warhammer 40,000