Talk:Army Cadet Force
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the army cadet force is soooooooooooooooooo kool!!! and it needs YOU!!!
[edit] GP Replaced with SA80A2 Mod.
You're having a laugh mate!
hi cadet higgs
I have fired a converted l85a1. it fires 22. and on semi pretty good tho. only prob is the empty cases somtimes get stuck in the chamber becuase its so cramped in there. Also it was H.K who converted it and I love the G36c which was also made by them. havnt shot LSW tho.
[edit] Recruits
"Once the recruit's test, consisting of ranks and badges, country code and the history of the ACF, has been passed, new cadets are given their cap badge to put onto their beret."
In my sector (London and NE) the berets and cap badge (most of the time, since some units must order their cap badges) and the basic star badge represents that they've passed basic.
I am certain that this is not standard ACF practise. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 20:31, 15 January 2007 (UTC).
[edit] LSW Contradiction?
In the skill at arms section it states "...the LSW is slowly being phased out of service due to increase in military demand." Yet in the Shooting section it says "The LSW will soon be taken out of service in the army cadet corps due to safety reasons, although only senior three star cadets can shoot it, it is still dangerous for themselves and cadets around them without proper army standard training."
I can vouch that the former is true. If there is any reason for an LSW to be taken away by brigade for anything other than 6 monthly checks we don't expect to get them back. The part about it being dangerous for cadets to use is tosh. That's why they have to undergo the training and testing, and it is only the senior, more highly trainined and consequently older cadets that are allowed to use them. As for 'army standard training', that's precicely why adult instructors are instructed by serving regular soldiers to teach weapon handling. Any ACF instructor who is not competant is not allowed to teach, plain and simple.
I would suggest that the latter section should be removed.--El Rog 15:28, 16 March 2007 (UTC)