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The saying | Literal translation | Meaning |
Aç anansa da kaç. | Even if the hungry person is your mother, run away | Hungry people, even those who are close to us, can do terrible things. It is best to stay away from these kinds of people. |
Aç ayı oynamaz. | Hungry bears do not dance. | People whos wants and needs are not met can't do their job properly. |
Aç kurt arslana saldırır. | A hungry wolf will even attack a lion. | To cure their hunger, hungry people can even attack people who are stronger than them (both influentially and physically). |
Adamın iyisi alışverişte belli olur. | Good men are determined while shopping | A man's (or woman's) true personality comes to light while shopping. |
Ağaca dayanma kurur, insana güvenme ölür. | Don't lean on a tree it might dry, dont depend on a person he/she might die. | Don't rely on anyone/anything too much or you will suffer when it goes away. |
Ağaç yaşken eğilir. | Trees bend when they are young. | It is much easier to manipulate/persuade/educate a younger person. |
Ak akçe, kara gün içindir. | Good money is for bad days. | People should be perpare for bad days. |
Akılsız başın cezasini ayaklar çeker. | The feet are punished for the actions of a dumb mind. | If a person does something without thinking properly, he/she has to spend alot of effort to correct it. |
Akıl yaşta değil baştadır. | Smarts are in your head not your age. | Being smart has little to do with a person's age. |
Akşamın işini sabaha bırakma. | Don't leave the evening's work to the morning. | People should always do their work on time or it will pile up and overwhelm them. |
Alet işler el övünür. | Tools work while the hand gets all the credit. | No matter how skilled someone is, they can't do their job perfectly if they don't have proper tools. |
Arabayla tavşan avlanmaz. | You can't hunt rabbits with a car. | Work shouldn't be done by ineffective methods. |
Ateş, ateşle söndürülmez | You can't fight fire with fire. | People can't destroy anger with anger, or cruelty with cruelty |
Ateş demekle ağız yanmaz. | Your mouth won't burn if you say "fire". | Just because someone talks about danger doesn't mean it will happen. |
Ateş düştüğü yeri yakar. | Fire burns where it falls. | When a tragedy happens, the people whom the tragedy happened to are the ones who have the most grief. |
Ateş olmayan yerde duman olmaz. | Where there is no fire, there is no smoke. | Gossip/rumours that have no truth in them do not spread. |
Ava giden avlanır. | He (or she) who goes hunting will be hunted. | People who lie/cheat/scam will be lied to/cheated/scammed. |
Baca eğri de olsa duman doğru çıkar. | Even if the chimney is crooked, the smoke go up. | Good people, even if they encounter difficulties, will go in the right direction. |
Bakan yemez, kapan yer. | The person who snatches it will eat it, not the person who looks at it. | If a person wants something, he or she will need to work for it. |
Balık, ağa girdikten sonra aklı başına gelir. | A fish thinks properly after it gets caught. | People are more careful after a bad thing happens to them. |
Balık, baştan kokar. | Fish smell bad at the head. | When a community starts to become corrupt, the process usually starts at the leaders. |
Bal olan yerde sinek de olur. | Where there is honey there are bugs. | When something good appears/happens many people wish to benefit from it. |
Balta değmedik ağaç olmaz. | There is no tree which an axe has not touched. | Nothing is perfect. |
Barutla ateş aynı yerde durmaz. | Gunpowder and fire shouldn't stay together. | It's dangerous to put two enemies together. |
Bedava sirke, baldan tatlıdır. | Free vinegar is sweeter than honey. | People generally like free things. |
Bir ağızdan çıkan, bin dile yayılır. | What comes out of one mouth is said in a thousand languages. | People should be careful of what they say. |
Bir avuç altının olacağına bir avuç toprağın olsun. | It's better to have one handful of land than to have one handful of gold. | Land is very valuable and useful, gold and money are spent and go away but land stays. |
Bir korkak bir orduyu bozar. | A single coward wrecks an entire army. | One persons fear affects the entire group. |
Boş çuval dik durmaz. | An empty sack can't stay upright. | Dumb, unskilled people can't do assignments properly. |
Can, canın yoldaşıdır. | Life is life's friend. | People can't live alone, they need freinds. |
Çekirge bir sıçrar, iki sıçrar, üçünücüsünde yakalanır. | The grasshopper jumps once, jumps twice, but is caught the third time. | Those who make a habbit out of commiting crime will get caught eventually. |
Çiğnemeden, yutulmaz. | You can't swallow without chewing. | If you want something, you need to work for it. |
Çivi çıkar ama yeri kalır. | Even if the nail comes out, the hole stays. | Bad things, even if they're forgiven, aren't forgotten. |
Çok bilen, çok yanılır. | Even those who know alot, will be wrong alot. | Nobody knows everything, people should know that their knowledge has limits. |
Çürük tahta, çivi tutmaz. | Rotten wood can't hold nails. | Unskilled people can't do their job properly. |
Dağ ne kadar yüce olsa, yol onu aşar. | No matter how great a mountain is, a road can conquer it. | Every problem has a solution. |
Damlaya damlaya göl olur. | Drop by drop a lake is created. | When a series of small and/or insignificant events happen, they can have a big effect.
OR If you save a little bit of something each time (such as money) it will grow into something significant. |
Demir nemden, insan gamdan çürür. | Iron rusts from humidity, humans rot from grief. | Grief compromises the health (both physical and mental) of the person it effects. |
Dikensiz gül olmaz. | There is no rose which doesn't have thorns. | Nothing is perfect. |
Doğru söz, acıdır. | True words hurt. | Criticism generally hurts the criticized. |
Dünya tükernir, yalan tükenmez. | Even when the world ends, lying won't. | Lying will never completely go away. |
Dünyayı sel bassa, ördeğe vız gelir. | If the whole world becomes flooded, ducks will have it easy. | Things that are difficult for some people might be easy for others. |
Eğilen baş, kesilmez. | A bent-over head, shouldn't be cut off. | People who understand their mistakes and learn from them shouldn't be punished too severely. |
Ekmeğin büyüğü, hamurun çoğundan olur. | A big loaf of bread is made with lots of dough. | Big things can only be achieved though lots of hard work. |
Et kokarsa tuzlanır, ya tuz kokarsa ne yapılır? | When meat smells it's salted, but what happens when the salt starts to smell? | When something goes wrong in a community the leaders can generally fix it. However when something goes wrong with the leaders, it's much harder to correct. |
Ev alma, komşu al. | Don't buy a house, buy a neighbor. | When someone is trying to buy a house, the quality of the neighbors is as important as the quality of the house. |
Fakirlik ayıp değil, tembellik ayıp. | Poorness is not a bad thing, lazyness is. | Poorness is not a bad thing, lazyness is. |
Gel demesi kolay, git demesi zor. | It's easy to say "come" but it's hard to say "go". | It's quite easy to invite someone, but it's hard to get them to leave involuntarily. |
Gülme komşuna, gelir başına. | Don't laugh at your neighbor. | It's not right to laugh at other people's misfortune, as it could have happened to anyone. |
Hatır için çiğ tavuk yenir. | Raw chicken can be eaten for a person's sake. | People, for a loved one's sake, can make many sacrifices. |
Her ağacın meyvası olmaz. | Not every tree gives fruit. | Not everybody does something useful. |
Her horoz kendi çöplüğünde öter. | Every rooster sings in it's own dump. | Everybody has a say in their own community. |
Herkes ektiğini biçer. | Everybody harvests what they plant. | People are treated depending on how they treat others. |
İki karpuz bir koltuğa sığmaz. | Two watermelons can't fit in one armpit. | People can't properly do two jobs at once |
İt, iti ısırmaz. | A dog won't bite another dog. | Bad people generally don't do bad things to other bad people. |
İtle dalaşmaktan, çalıyı dolaşmak yeğdir. | It's better to go around the bush than to brawl with a dog. | Taking some extra precautions to avoid bad encounters is well worth it. |
İtle yatan, bitle kalkar. | He (or she) who sleeps with a dog will wake up with fleas. | People who live in close proximity with bad people gradually aquire bad habits |
İyilik eden, iyilik bulur. | He (or she) who behaves kindly will be treated kindly. | People who behave kindly will be treated kindly. |
Kaçan balık büyük olur. | Fish that get away are big. | When an opportunity is missed, its importance is often overestimateed |
Karnı tok it, gölgede yatar. | A dog with a full stomach lies in the shade. | Dumb people only think about present, not the future. |
Kaza, geliyorum demez. | Accidents don't say "I'm comming". | Accidents can happen at any time, anywhere, often with little or no warning. |
Kedinin boynuna ciğer asılmaz. | It's not a good idea to hang meat from a cat's neck. | It's not a good idea to lend someone something if it's likely he or she will harm it. |
Kesilen baş, yerine konmaz. | A beheaded head can't be put back on. | Sometimes an action can bring on irreversable consequences. When this is the case, people need to be very careful. |
Keskin sirke kübüne zarar verir. | Strong vineger damages its container. | People who act angrily harm themselves. |
Kısa günün kârı az olur. | Little profit is gained from a short day. | The amount of gain a person recieves is proportionate to the amount of work he (or she) does. |
Komşunun tavuğu, komşuya kaz görünür. | A neighbor's chicken looks like a goose to their neighbors. | People generally are never happy with what they have, they see their neighbor's (or other close one's) possesions as better than their own. |
Köpek bile yediği kabın içine pislemez. | Even dogs don't poop in their food bowl. | People shouldn't do bad things to people who do help them get along and/or help them significantly. |
Kör bile | ||