From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[[Image:{{{filename}}}|thumb|right||{{{artist}}}. {{{title}}}. {{{year}}}. {{{type}}}. {{{height}}} x {{{width}}} {{{units}}}. {{{museum}}}, {{{city}}}.]]
[edit] Brief syntax description
{{ArtCutline| |filename = wikipedia filename, minus the "Image:" prefix |align = alignment on page |wikisize = desired width. leave blank for user preference image sizing |title = Title of the work |artist = Artist who created it |year = Year of production |type = Technique used |height = Height |width = Width |depth = Depth |units = Units of measurement |city = City of museum/gallery/venue |museum = Museum/gallery/venue of (current) location }}
[edit] See also
- {{Artwork}}
- {{Painting}}
- {{Sculpture}}
- {{Infobox Artist}}
- {{Image information art}} - for image pages