User:Arvind devaraj/Career India
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Career Opportunities for Students in India
[edit] PostGraduate
[edit] Engineering in India
Admission to most institutes in India (like IISc/IIT ) are through GATE exam which is conducted during February every year. GATE is a common entrance for institutes like IISc/ IITs. The sale of applications and information brochures is during Septermber/October. Information about important dates is in [1] [2]. To know more about GATE see [3],[4]
[edit] IISc
IISc has a two year M.E program in most departments (which is called M.Tech/M.Des in other departments). For people interested in research it also has M.Sc(Engineering) programming which takes about 2 to 2.5 years. The entrance to these programmes is primarily through GATE.
There are two major research programmes (apart from M.Sc(Engg)) - Ph.D and Integrated Ph.D. Admissions for Ph.D programme is through "IISc Entrance test" which is conducted in April [8]. Usually Ph.D programme is taken by students after completing their Masters, though some departments offer direct Ph.D to bachelors. Integrated Ph.D programme is a 5 year course (with 2 years of course work and 3 years of research work). This programme is offered mainly in science stream.
People working in companies can apply for "External Registration Programs" (ERP) . It is similar to M.Sc(Engg)/Ph.D programme. The candidate needs to spend only the first six months at the institute. Research can then be carried on from his/her company. The candidate must have atleast two years of professional experience and must have a guide at the company[5]
[edit] IIT
Entrance to IIT M.Tech programmes is also through GATE. Depending on the GATE score, some IITs (like Kanpur) require additional tests and interview. Others give admission solely based on GATE score . GATE score can also be used to apply for (KReSIT) Kanwal Rekhi school of Information Technology [6] , which additionally requires a written test and interview.
[edit] NIT
National Institute of Technology was previously known as Regional Engineering College (REC). Establised in 1959, there are 17 NITs in India , one each in major states. The admissions for masters in engineering is through GATE. Some of these institutes also conduct an additional exam for candidates shortlisted based on the GATE score, which will be the final selection criteria. Apart from masters in engineering some of these institutes also offer MBA, MCA, MSc(Tech) for Sciences and MSc(IT).
[edit] IIIT
IIIT (International School of Information Technology) are in Allahabad,Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gwalior, Pune, Calcutta. Some of these including, IIITH, IIITB, IIITA and IIITM (Gwalior) offer PG courses. The notifications for PG admissions for IIITB comes around January and last date is around the end of Jan. For IIITH the last dates are around the end of March. The selection process involves an entrance test and an interview. Data structures and algorithms, Theory of Computation are subjects that should be looked on as an important from the point of view of interviews. Though the main stress in any PG interview is on the subjects that you like the most. One should be very confident in one or two subjects, the choice of subjects is always offered in the interviews. This does not mean that you have to necessarily pursue these fields only. IIITH also offers GATE scholarships for those having a GATE score.
[edit] Engineering (Applying Abroad)
[edit] US universities
They require GRE and TOEFL examinations. These are conducted by ETS ( ). The score is valid for five years, in case of GRE, and for two years in case of TOEFL, and students typically take these exams during their third year in the college. Many sites help you to prepare for these exams [7]. Many people maintain information about these exams [8]
A good score in GRE is helpful, but there are other criteria that will be used in determining the admission
1) score in B.E/ B.Tech and courses taken
2) Letters of recommendation from professors
3) Publications( not mandatory, but very useful)
4) Your project
5) A statement of purpose ( [9] )
[edit] GRE
For more information see [10] [11] [12]
GRE is held Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT) format, and not in the paper-based format.Tests are held throughout the year. The testing centers are located in 9 cities in India - Allahabad, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram.
These centers are run by Prometric Senior Plaza 160 A, Gautam Building Yusuf Sarai New Delhi 110 040 (Ph: 2651 1649)
[edit] Singapore
National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are preferred by students ( ) A good score in GRE / GATE can help you in getting admission.
[edit] European Schools
The United Kingdom is another favorite destination for Indian students. However the UK remains more popular for business education rather than technical education. The main advantage of UK when compared to other countries is the lack of a language barrier.
Germany is renowned for some of its technical schools like the (max planck institut informatik [13]). However the main barrier for Indian students here is that most of the instruction is in German.
France is also renowned for its many technical schools. The INRIA (research institute) admits a lot of foriegn students for PhD and Masters and the language spoken and work itself is carried out in English. However, the language itself needs to be learnt in order to survive outside of your institute. Other schools are Ecole polytechnique, Ecole superieure etc., which are good, but here again the language of instruction is French.
[edit] Australia
Australia is another popular destination for studying abroad with affordabole education and no language barriers.
[edit] Mathematics
[edit] Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is India’s premier institution for advanced research in the fundamental sciences. The Institute runs a graduate programme leading to the award of a Ph.D. degree, as well as M.Sc. and Integrated Ph.D. in certain subjects. The admissions procedure consists of a written test and the candidates who qualify in the written test are called for interviews. With its distinguished faculty, world class facilities and stimulating research environment, it is an ideal place for aspiring scientists to initiate their career. The current areas of research cover Algebra, Alebraic Geometry, Combinatorial Mathemtics, Differential Equations, Lie Theory, Number Theory and some other areas. TIFR also offers summer programs exposing academically bright students to research in many areas of Mathematics.
[edit] Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad
The Harish-Chandra Research Institute(HRI) offers a graduate programme in mathematics, leading to the Ph.D. degree, in collaboration with the University of Allahabad, and with the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Admissions to the graduate program take place through a Joint Entrance Screening Test(JEST), which is organized in collaboration with several other institutions, and an interview. The mathematics group has members working in algebra, analysis, geometry and topology, and number theory. HRI hosts several conferences in mathematics. There is a constant series of graduate courses in the Institute. In addition, the mathematics group has regular seminars on various topics. The group also conducts courses for visiting graduate and undergraduate students from other institutions.
[edit] Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences(IMSc) admits students for a PhD degree; students may be chosen with or without Masters degree. Research work leading to a PhD degree is done here and the degree is given by the University of Madras. Candidates who wish to apply for this programme need not send in any application. However, they must apply for the Research Awards of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) and appear for that screening test. The advertisement of the NBHM Research Awards will appear in national newspapers. IMSc and HRI will directly get the test scores and copies of the applications from the NBHM and will independently send call letters for interview to successful candidates. The Mathematicians at IMSc work in the areas of Algebra, Algebraic geometry, Number theory, Partial Differential Equations, Schroedinger and Jacobi operators, Subfactors, Representation theory and Topology.
[edit] Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
The Indian Institute of Science admits students under two programmes - the Ph.D. programme and the integrated Ph.D. programme. Students with or without Masters degree are eligible to apply. All candidates should qualify in IISc Entrance Test. The short-listing of candidates for interview is done based on performance in the IISc Entrance Test. Selection will be based on the combined performance in the entrance test and interview. The areas of current research are Algebraic and Combinatorial Topology, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Finite fields and Coding Theory, Fluid Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Nonlinear Waves, Hyperbolic Equations and Numerical Analysis, Physiological Fluid Dynamics, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Several Complex Variables, Statistical Learning Theory, Time Series Analysis, Wiener-Hopf Theory.
[edit] Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore
Bachelor of Mathematics:
The B.Math.(Hons.) degree programme offers comprehensive instruction in basic mathematics along with rudimentary courses in probability, Statistics, Computing and Physics. It is so designed that on successful completion, the students would be able to pursue higher studies in the areas of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematical Physics etc. or take up a career in applications of Mathematics. The total duration of the B.Math.(Hons.) programme is three years.
In order to be eligible for admission, a student should have successfully completed 10+2 years of Higher Secondary Education (or its equivalent) with Mathematics and English as subjects of study.
Method of Selection:
Each candidate applying for admission to this programme has to take a selection test comprising objective type and shortanswer type questions in Mathematics at the Higher Secondary level (10+2 years' programme). Based on performance in the tests, a selected list of candidates are called for Interviews. The final list of candidates selected for admission to the programme is announced after the interviews.
Stipend, Allowances etc.:
Students admitted to this course will be given initially a stipend, which is, at present Rs.800/- only per month and an annual contingency grant of Rs.1500/- only. Students are not required to pay any fees. Students will be warned at the end of each semester if the performance is unsatisfactory and in which case his/her stipend may be withdrawn fully or partially. A student who fails to get promotion at the end of the First Year or the Second Year is asked to discontinue the programme.
When to apply:
Usually applications are called for in February/March of every year. This will be notified in major English dailies. You may also check out
Master of Mathematics
The M. Math. Programme offers advanced level training in Mathematics. On successful completion of the course, students would be able to pursue a research/academic career in Mathematics. Depending on the choice of the optional subjects, the students would also be able to work in the fields of Probability Theory and Theoretical Computer Science. The total duration of the M. Math. Programme is two years.
In order to be eligible for admission to the M. Math. programme, a student must either have a three-year B. Sc. Degree or a B. E. / B. Tech. degree with Mathematics as a full subject of study and an exceptionally strong background in Analysis and Abstract Algebra or have a B. Stat. / B. Math. degree of the Indian Statistical Institute.
Method of Selection:
Students with B. Math. (Hons.) degree from the Indian Statistical Institute are offered direct admission to the M. Math. programme without any selection test and interview. For other eligible candidates, including students with B. Math. (Pass) degree from the Indian Statistical Institute, selection for admission to the M. Math. programme is based on academic record, performance in written selection tests and subsequent interview.
The selection tests will comprise of objective and/or short-answer type questions in Mathematics at a level corresponding roughly to the Mathematics Honours/Mathematics Major of Indian Universities, with special emphasis on Real Analysis, Linear and Abstract Algebra.
Stipend, Allowances etc.:
Students admitted to this course will be given initially a stipend, which is, at present Rs.1200/- only per month and an annual contingency grant of Rs.2000/- only. Students are not required to pay any fees. Students will be warned at the end of each semester if the performance is unsatisfactory and in which case his/her stipend may be withdrawn fully or partially. A student who fails to get promotion at the end of the First Year is asked to discontinue the programme.
When to apply:
Usually applications are called for in February/March of every year. This will be notified in major English dailies. You may also check out
Junior Research Fellowship / Research Associateship:
A candidate admitted as a Research Fellow is expected to take research courses and also engage in original research-work in one of the above areas under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by the Institute, culminating in a doctoral thesis to be submitted for a Ph.D. degree. Candidates making satisfactory progress towards the above goal are eligible to register for the Ph.D. degree of the Indian Statistical Institute. At the end of the second year, the Junior Research Fellows are assessed for the award of Senior Research Fellowships. The combined duration of the Junior and Senior Research Fellowships is four and a half years. A special Fellowship of Rs. 12,000 per month is also available for outstanding candidate. Eligibility:
(i) A good academic record with M.Stat., M.A/M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Mathematics or, (ii) Outstanding mathematical maturity with B.Stat/ B.Math.,/B.A./B.Sc. or equivalent degree with Mathematics as the main subject. Method of Selection:
Subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria, the selection of candidates for JRF is strictly based on merit as judged by academic record, performance in selection tests and interviews.
Note: It is not necessary to qualify at the UGC/CSIR test for award of fellowship. However, the candidates who have been awarded research fellowship by CSIR/NBHM can seek an interview any time of the year and, on the basis of performance in the interview, are admitted as CSIR/NBHM fellows working at ISI.
The Institute recruits Research Associates from time to time, for its different Divisions/Units. This is done based on the availability of bright post doctoral fellows having potential for being absorbed as lecturers in the Division/Unit. Current Research Interests in Statistics and Mathematics:
Optimal Designs : Construction and Combinatorial Aspects, Probability Theory on Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces, Diffusion Processes, Stochastic Calculus, limit theorems for fractional Brownian and Stable motions, Sample Surveys, Large Sample Theory, Bayesian Inference, finite series analysis (ARIMA models), Functional Analysis, Geometry of Banach Spaces, Operator Algebras, Operator Theory, Harmonic Analysis on semi-simple Lie Groups and the Heisenberg group. Combinatorics, Simple Group Theory, their representations and the associated geometries and the non associative algebras, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Operators, Probability measures on groups, Algebraic groups, Low-dimensional topology, Geometric group theory, Algebraic geometry and Algebraic Number Theory.
[edit] Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Delhi
Master of Statistics (M.Stat.)
- Scope
The M.Stat. programme offers advanced level training in theory, methods and applications in statistics along with specilised training in selected area related to statistics or in some selected fields of statistics. Depending the area of specialisation, students on successful completion of the programe will be able to work competently as statisticians and specialists in Government departments, research institutions, and industrial and commercial enterprises.
- Duration
The duration of the course is two years.
- M.Stat. Streams
The M.Stat. programme is offered in two streams : o S-Stream: The curriculum for the S-Stream is designed for students with knowledge in statistics at an advanced level corresponding to three-year Bachelor's degree programme and knowledge in mathematics at Bachelor's degree level. o M-Stream : The curriculum for the M-Stream is designed for students with knowledge in mathematics at an advanced level course corresponding to a three-year Bachelor's degree programe; knowledge in statistics is not assumed. Specialised courses are offered for both the streams in the second year of the programme.
- Eligibility (S-Stream and M-Stream):
Three years Bachelor's degree with mathematics and statistics as full subjects. Those without statistics may be considered for admission if they have outstanding ability in mathematics.
Application process
Method of selection
- For both S-stream and M-stream, selection is based on:
1. A test comprising of objective and/or short-answer questions in mathematics at Bachelor's degree level and;
2. A test comprising of objective and/or short-answer questions in mathematics at an advanced level corresponding to a three-year Bachelor's degree programme; more importantly, this test will assess competence in the theory and methods of statistics, and comprehension in mathematics, as the case may be.
o Students with B.Stat.(Hons) degree from the Indian Statistical Institute are offered direct admission to the first year of M.Stat S-stream without any selection test and interview. Other eligible candidates, including students with B.Stat (Pass) degree from the Indian Statistical Institute, are selected on the basis of academic records and performance in selection tests and subsequent interview.
o Students who have successfully completed the Statistician's Diploma/ Senior Diploma in Statistics of the Indian Statistical Institute are eligible to apply for admission to the second year of the M.Stat. programme.
- Stipend/ Allowances/Benefits Students admitted to this course will be given initially a stipend, which is, at present Rs.800/- only per month and an annual contingency grant of Rs.1250/- only. Students are not required to pay any fees. Students will be warned at the end of each semester if the performance is unsatisfactory and in which case his/her stipend may be withdrawn fully or partially. However if his/her performance turn out to be good in the next semester, then the full amount of the stipend for that semester may be restored with retrospective effect. A student will deserve this provided the requirements for the continuation of the programe are satisfied and the course composite score in that semester is not less than 60% and no more than one composite score in that semester is less than 45%.
- When to apply Usually applications are called for in February/March of every year. This will be notified in major English dailies.
[edit] Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
Programme Duration B.Stat. (Hons.) 3 years M.Stat. (S-stream, M-stream) 2 years M.Math. 2 years M.S. in Quantitative Economics 2 years M.Tech. in Computer Science 2 years M.Tech. in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research 2 years
Programme Duration Certificate/Diploma course in Computer Programming & Applications 1+1 years Part-time Certificate/Diploma course in SQC and OR 1+1 years
Programme Duration Part-time course in Statistical Methods and Applications 1 year Part-time course in SQC 6 months(ISI, Hyderabad) Intensive course in Programming and Application of Electronic Computers 10 weeks
Programme Duration Junior/Senior Research Fellowship * 2+2.5 years JRF & SRF Rules Specialist Development Programme in SQC and OR 2 years
- ISI awards Ph.D. degrees in Statistics, Mathematics, Quantitative Economics, Computer Science and other subjects related to Statistics, to eligible research fellows.
[edit] Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
The Department of Mathematics offers courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It runs a five year integrated M.Tech. programme in Mathematics and Computing (admission through JEE) and a two year post B.Sc. programme leading to the degree of M.Sc. The Department is a major participant in running the 2 years interdisciplinary. M. Tech. programme in Computer Applications, besides offering opportunities for doctoral research. The faculty joins industrial research and consultancy teams of the Institute faculty to mutually solve engineering problems involving high mathematics and computer applications contents. Admission to the Ph.D. programmes is made on the basis of written test / interview conducted by the Department / Centre concerned. Applications are invited from candidates by advertising the programmes in Employment News / leading Newspapers in the March for the first semester and in October for the second semester, every year.
Admission to Ph.D./M.S.(Research) programme is also possible any time in the year through DRC/CRC with the approval of the Dean, PGS&R for all categories of scholars. They can be allowed to join any time though the course registration in such cases will be possible only at the beginning of next semester.
Admission is subject to vacancy being available in the relevant specialisations.
[edit] Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay
[edit] MBA
[edit] IIM
CAT(Common Admission Test) examination for getting entry into IIM is usually held during the third week of November. There are lot of coaching institutes for this tough exam. It is a multiple choice written exam designed to test a candidate’s ability & aptitude and the exam last for 2.5 hours [6]. Over the years, considering the increase in applicants, CAT has evolved to become tougher and tougher and at the same time as unpredictable as possible. In addition to testing the aptitude of the candidate in areas of Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and Verbal Ability, it focusses more on the candidate's ability to manage time and make quick decisions. Approximately 175,000 candidates applied for CAT 2005 and around 1500 students made it finally into the 6 IIMs. IIM Ahmedabad (, IIM Bangalore (, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Indore
CAT 2006 is to be held on 19th November 2006.
[edit] IIT/IISc
Appearing for Joint Management Entrance Test 2006 (2006) is the first step in the process of seeking admission to the Post-Graduate Programmes in Management offered by IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee. [5] JMET is usually held in the second week of December.
See also
[edit] Other Institutes
- Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. Website:
- Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur. Website:
- Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi. Website:
- Institute of Rural Management, Anand (Gujarat). Website:
- S.P. Jain Institute Of Management and Research, Mumbai. Website:
The other entrance exams for gaining admission for an MBA in India are XAT Test, IIFT Test, FMS Test, SNAP Test, NMAT Test, MAT Test.
The entrance test is the first phase for most institutes, after which each institute conducts their own Group Disscussions and Personal Interviews to finally evaluate the candidate.
[edit] Medicine
[edit] MBBS
for list of medical colleges see ,Medical college (India), [14]
Delhi AIIMS [15]
Mode of Admission: (MBBS Merit seats - Kerala state Entrance examinations PG through all India Medical Entrance)
Government Medical Colleges -Trivandrum, Calicut, Kottayam, Alleppey.
Sri Chitra Institute for Medical Sciences (PG only)
Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum (PG only).
Madhya Pradesh
Government Ashtang Ayurved College (Affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyala), Indore- 450011
Government Ayurvedic College (Affiliated to Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya), Burhanpur- 450331
Government Ayurvedic College (Affiliated to Jiwaji University), Gwalior- 474009
Government Ayurvedic College (Affiliated to Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya), Jabalpur- 482001
Government Ayurvedic College (Affiliated to Awadesh Pratap Singh University), Rewa- 486001
S.H.Unani Tibbia College (Affiliated to Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya), Burhanpur- 450331
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
Sagar University (now Dr. Hari Singh Gour University), Sagar
Tamil Nadu
Stanley Medical College, Chennai *[16]
Madras Medical College, Chennai *[17]
Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai
Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Porur Chennai
Chennai Medical College, Chennai
Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur
Tirunelveli Medical College *[18]
JIPMER, Pondicherry JIPMER
Andhra Pradesh
Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
Osmania Medical College. Hyderabad *[19]
St. Johns medical college,Bangalore_Medical_College,Medical_College_Calcutta, Mysore_Medical_College, Motilal_Nehru_Medical_College
[edit] Biotechnology
Some of the institutes that offer course in biotechnology are as follows. see also [25],[26]
Tamil Nadu Anna University
[edit] Undergraduate
[edit] Engineering
[edit] Admission through AIEEE
An All-India Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE) is conducted by CBSE Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development in compliance with the directives of the Government of India, for admission to degree level courses in Engineering, Pharmacy and Architecture in Central Universities, National Institutes of Technology, Deemed Universities and Institutions in the States/UTs other than those covered by Joint Entrance Examination/State Level Entrance Examination for paid or unpaid seats based on the score. (source: [20] )
[edit] IIT
Admission to IITs is through JEE.see also Indian Institutes of Technology, IIT-JEE
[edit] NIT
NIT( National Institute of Technology ) were known as REC(Regional Engineering Colleges). Until recently known as Regional Engineering Colleges (REC), one for every state, these colleges are arguably the second in line of well-known stream of engineering colleges after IITs.
In their earlier form as RECs, were funded by the respective state governments. 50% of the students were (and still are) from the respective state and remaining 50% are from other states (they are specific quotas for each state in each branch of engineering). Admissions for native students (from the state having the REC) were through respective state engineering entrance examinations (eg, TNPCEE for REC Trichy ). For admissions into other state RECs, admissions were through marks obtained in the public state/CBSE board examinations.
Now, in the present form as NITs, they are funded by the central government ( resulting in much higher grants being doled out to them than when they were RECs)[21]. These were part of a grand plan by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) to slowly transition NITs into the premier institutions of the caliber of IITs, and align IITs into having a completely research oriented goal to strengthen the country's post graduate system of engineering education. Admissions are through the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) held annually along the lines of IIT-JEE. Students are given two ranks, one an all india rank for admission into NITs of other states and another rank ( amongst the students of the state ), for admission into the NIT of the state from where the student hails.
For more info see (
[edit] IIIT
[edit] Others
Though many people people prefer to choose colleges in their home state, many colleges take a good number of students from other states as well. Some of them are given below state wise
Andhra Pradesh Most of the universities admit students through EAMCET [15] REC Warangal JNTU Hyderabad, Kakinada , Anantapur Andhra University , Visakhapatnam CBIT Hyderabad GITAM college ,Visakhapatnam VNR Vignana Jyothi Inst. of Tech. , Hyderabad Srinidhi Inst. of Tech. , Hyderabad Chhattisgarh Bhilai Institute of Technology, Bhilai Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai Government Engineering College, Raipur Raipur Institute of Technology, Chhattona, Raipur Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University , Raipur Delhi Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology Delhi College of Engineering Both the colleges admit students based on a Common Entrance Examination (CET) Gujarat Nirma Institute of Technology Karnataka RVCE UVCE Kerala (Kerala State Entrance Examination - Government Merit Seats): Government College of Engineering Trivandrum Barton Hill Engineering College, Trivandrum TKM College of Engineering, Quilon Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam Government Engineering College, Painavu, Idukki Mar Atheneshious Engg. College, Kothamamgalam Government Engineering College, Trichur Government College of Engineering, Cannannore, Government College of Engineering, Mananthavady, Wynad Government College of Engineering, Calicut Madhya Pradesh IIIT, Gwalior S.G.S Institite of Technology and Science indore Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur Maulana Azad College of Technology (NIT), Bhopal Samrat Ashok Institute of technology, Vidisha UIT, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal Lakshmi Narayan College of Technology, Bhopal Vikram University, Ujjain Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior-474005 UIT, BU Oriental Institute of Science and Technology , Bhopal Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow Maharashtra Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT), Pune Government Engineering College, Pune *[[22]] Tamil Nadu Anna University (TNPCEE) NIT Trichy (AIEEE) PSG Tech (TNPCEE) Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), Chennai (TNPCEE) Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Jadavpur University
[edit] Mathematics
[edit] ISI
Indian Statistical Institute [18]
[edit] CMI
Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai [16]
[edit] IMSc
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai [17]
[edit] Important Links
Wikipedia List of universities in india *[23]
List of universities in india
GRE - very useful information
[edit] Miscellaneous
General information. If you want to quickly add some info use this section. The info would be later put in the appropriate category
Other good institutes in Delhi
School of Planning and Architectute (SPA)
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS Delhi) (
Delhi School of Econimics (
St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi (
Chennai institutes info
for learning German
Max Mueller Bhavan, Goethe institute
CMI entrance exam : it is a written exam (multiple choice). Math questions are similar to IIT JEE paper.
CAT CAT(Center for Advanced Technology,Indore)
Top Colleges see India Today's top 10 colleges of India
[edit] References