Asheville Global Report
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The Asheville Global Report (AGR) is a free, independent weekly newspaper published in Asheville, North Carolina and distributed in numerous regional cities. According to its website, the AGR's mission is to "cover news underreported by mainstream media, believing that a free exchange of information is necessary to organize for social change." [1]
Since its inception in 1999, the Asheville Global Report has received several awards, including 10 Project Censored Awards. Additionally, the American Civil Liberties Union of Western North Carolina presented the AGR with its "Champion of Civil Liberties Award" and the Utne Reader has nominated the AGR for “Best International Coverage in the United States.”
According to anarchist blogger Chuck Munson the "AGR is an excellent example of what independent media activists could be doing in their local communities... [It] is mercifully free of the typical leftist rhetoric and jargon that one frequently finds in activist-run community newspapers." [2]
[edit] External links
- Asheville Global Report (official site)
- "A World of Difference", an interview with AGR editor Eamon Martin