From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[[As of {{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]
This template is a work in progress and the number and meaning of its parameters are subject to change. DO NOT use it yet. This is an illustration for a proposal being made elsewhere. To discuss the idea being proposed, please go there. Technical discussion about the template should probably be in this template's talk page.
- the year
- The text to use: default is the year
- Optional additional time information in the form MM or MM-DD, used for chronological sorting within the categories.
This will add the article to the following categories:
- Category:Articles including time-sensitive information with the index as the year
- Category:As of (Parameter 1)
As of {{asof|2004}}, ... - link on year. ... {{asof|2004|in}} 2004. - Link on "in" (or whatever).