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ASTRO-G (also known as VSOP-2) is a planned radio telescope satellite under development by JAXA. It is expected to be launched in fiscal year 2011 into elliptic orbit around Earth (apogee height 25,000 km, perigee height 1,000 km). Astro-G was selected in February 2006 against the competition of a proposed new X-Ray astronomy mission (NeXT) and a proposed solar sail mission to Jupiter. Funding will start from FY 2007 with a budget of 12 billion yen, around 100 million US dollars.
Featuring a 9 m diameter dish antenna to observe in 8, 22 and 43 GHz bands, it will be used in a combination of ground radio telescopes to create Very Long Baseline Interferometry. It is expected to achieve ten times higher resolution and ten times higher sensitivity than its predecessor HALCA.
[edit] Science Targets
Key science : Jet structure, collimation and acceleration regions Structure of accretion disks around AGN Structure of magnetic fields in protostars
Other science targets: Galactic masers in star-forming region Extragalactic Megamasers Radio quiet quasars X-ray binaries, SNR, gravitational lenses etc.
[edit] External links
Earth Observation Satellites | Daichi - Akebono Cooperation with NASA: Aqua - Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission - GEOTAIL Under Development: GOSAT - Global Precipitation Mesurement |
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Communication, Positioning and Engineering Test Satellites | ETS-VIII - Kirari - Kodama - REIMEI - EGS Under Development: WWINDS - Quasi-Zenith Satellites System - Sohla -SDS |
Astronomical Observation Satellites | Akari - Suzaku - Hinode - REIMEI Under Development: ASTRO-G |
Lunar and Planetary Exploration Satellites | Hayabusa Under Development: SELENE - PLANET-C - BepiColombo (cooperation ESA) Cancelled : LUNAR-A |
Human Space Exploration | ISS (cooperation) - H-II Transfer Vehicle | |
Completed Missions | YOHKOH - ASCA - HALCA - NOZOMI - MDS-1 - Adeos II - Micro Lab Sat 1 |