Augustus Brandegee
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Augustus Brandegee (12 July 1828, New London, Connecticut - 10 November 1904, New London, Connecticut) was the son of a New Orleans cotton broker. His first place of education was the Union Academy in New London. Following this, he was sent to Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven and entered Yale in 1845. At Yale he was elected membership to Delta Kappa Epsilon and Skull and Bones. He was graduated in 1849, and spent the next year in study at Yale Law School.
In 1850 he entered the law office of Andrew C. Lippitt and after admission to the bar in 1851 entered a partnership with Mr. Lippitt. He continued the practice of law until 1854, when he was chosen to represent the town of New London in the Connecticut House of Representatives. Although a young member of the house, he was selected as a member of the judiciary committee. He was also Chairman of the select committee to carry through the "bill for the defense of liberty," which was aimed at preventing the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law in Connecticut. Later, Brandegee chaired the committee on the Maine Law, and was responsible for passing the only propitiatory liquor law ever passed in Connecticut.
In 1855 he returned to the practice of law, and was elected judge of New Haven's criminal court. During this time Brandegee became well-known in Connecticut as a free solier, speaking in many towns on slavery issues. He was chosen as one of the electors of Connecticut on a ticket headed by former Governor, Roger Sherman Baldwin.
Brandegee was again elected to the Connecticut house as a Republican in 1858 to represent New London. He was elected again in 1859, but declined the office the following year on the account of the death of his father. The following year he was elected to the house again, this time being chosen as speaker of the house. During this first "War" session of the house, Brandegee managed to keep favour with both Democrats and Republicans. At the end of the year, fellow Bonesman and leader of the opposition, Henry C. Deming presented him with a service of silver.
During the Civil War, Brandegee was very active in supporting the Union cause. He travelled all over Connecticut addressing meetings, raising troops and arousing public sentiment. In 1863 he was elected to Congress from the 3rd district of Connecticut. Although the youngest member of the house, he was selected as a member of the committee on naval affairs, and later to the important committee on military affairs. Brandegee was also on the committee of naval accounts, and chairman of a special committee on a post and military route from New York to Washington. In 1864, Brandegee was a member of the Connecticut delegation to the National Republican Convention in Baltimore, which re-nominated President Lincoln, and nominated Andrew Johnson for the Vice Presidency. Brandegee continued in congress throughout the reconstruction, and was regularly in the company of President Lincoln. Two years later he was at the Loyalist Convention at Philadelphia. He didn't stand for re-election to Congress in 1866, his term expired in January 1867.
In 1871 he was nominated for the office of mayor of New London, against his wishes. He laid down the office after two years, to give more time to the practice of law. He was Chairman of the Connecticut delegation to the National Republican Convention in 1880 and 1884.
In 1892 he was a founding partner of the firm Noyes & Brandegee, which was one of the leading firms in New London. As a favourite in the Republican party, his fellow Republicans had tried to convince him to run for Governor or Senator, but Brandegee declined any furthers offices. Although, he served as corporation counsel of New London in 1897 and 1898. He died in 1904.
At a special meeting of the superior court on 31 December 1904, Judge George D. Stanton said of Brandegee:
"August Brandegee, a leader of the New London county bar for half a century, is dead. During all that time he reflected honor upon this bar. He gave to its member an example for emulation. He has left us a memory which is a benediction. We strive through this memorial to show that we appreciate what he was and what he stood for. He was a learned lawyer. Coming to the bar filled with the learning of the classics, he readily absorbed the law written in the books, and yet was always more than the book lawyer. He never failed to appreciate that the law is not an abstract science, but a rule of action of men. Mercy and charity ever came to him as the hand maidens of legal principle. He approached the real of a cause with diffidence. He participated in the trial as a master.
He was a brilliant orator. Convention, legislature, congress and the courts thrilled with his eloquence. In manner unexcelled he clothed his thoughts in language chaste and beautiful, and drove his words deep into the hearts of his hearers. He stood for high ideals through all his public life. At a time when the Abolitionist met scorn and contumely, he laboured zealously to free the slave. A member of Congress through the war, he became the trusted friend of Lincoln, and rendered signal service for the cause of the Union. And then and ever after he put aside official station for the simple life.
He was a knightly man - hypocrisy, shame, expedients, pretensions - the whole brood of lies and deceits - were his enemies. He fought them all his days and when the end came, passed over God's threshold with escutcheon unstained and with plume untarnished."
[edit] References
This article incorporates copyrighted text from Doom Chronicle, used by permission of the author.