Axel Pressbutton
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Axel Pressbutton is a comics character who first appeared in the strip "Three-Eyes McGurk and his Death Planet Commandos" in the British rock music magazine Dark Star in 1979. A violent cyborg with the face of Ernest Borgnine, a button on his chest which delivers orgasmic pleasure when pressed and a phobia about vegetation, he was created by Steve Moore (under the pseudonym "Pedro Henry") and Alan Moore (no relation, under the pseudonym "Curt Vile"). He was later teamed with cloned teen assassin Mysta Mystralis, also known as "Laser Eraser" (named after a 20th century British kid's comic character from Jackpot, also for her favorite weapon). The pair continued their adventures in their strip "The Stars my Degradation" in Sounds magazine.
Warrior magazine, launched in 1982, featured Laser Eraser and Pressbutton, written by "Pedro Henry" and drawn by Steve Dillon, in which Pressbutton again partnered with Mysta Mistralis. He got his own title in 1984 from Eclipse Comics reprinting the Warrior material.
Pressbutton's origin was given in a stand alone story in the Warrior Summer Special drawn by Steve Jackson. Originally a mild-mannered and plant loving florist he took delivery of plant matter which included a sentient, telepathic, anaesthetic, carnivorous fungus which attacked his body from the feet upwards. All the time it was consuming him, it was empathising with him, apologising for eating him and preventing him from feeling the pain. by the time he was rescued, the only remaining parts of his body were his head, right arm and part of his chest. As a result of this damage, he became extremely embittered, especially against vegetation. When rebuilt as Pressbutton, he was fitted with a cleaver as a left arm and, because of his lack of genital equipment, an orgasm-inducing button on his chest clearly marked "Press". Unfortunately, this was sometimes used by later adversaries to disable him (in rapture) whilst he was attacking them.
In 2006, British comics artist John Haward announced he was drawing a new story featuring Laser Eraser and Pressbutton. Written by Steve Moore (aka Pedro Henry) and with his approval the story would go online on John's website [1] in October 2006. However, as of February 2007, it has yet to appear.