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Agni is an important basic principle of the Hindu Ayurveda. Agni has been described as the spiritual force of metabolism, or "digestive fire".
Sushruta in his classical book Sushruta Samhita writes that 'Pachak' named 'Jatharagni' is of four kinds. One of these four are Samagni (Normal) while other three are Visamagni (Abnormal), Teekshanagni (Above to Normal) and Mandagni (Below to Normal).
Samanagni is considered balanced, when all three doshas Vata, pitta and kaphha are in total balanced state. When Agni is disturbed by the Vata, the condition is knownVishamagni. When Pitta affects Agni, the condition is known Teekshagni. When Kapha affects Agni, the condition is known Mandagni.
The composer of Hareet Samhita writes that condition of Samanagni is depended upon, when Vata,pitta,kaphha are all in normal stage. When Vata, Pitta, Kaphha are unequal, the condition is known as Vishamagni. When Pitta is high than the normal limit, the condition is known as Teekshagni. When Vata and Kaphha are high than the normal limit, the condition is known as Mandagni.
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[edit] Samagni
This is called as digestive fire. By nature this agni digests assimilates the food properly and thus increases the quality of Dhatu. Persons having Samanagni, always live hale and healthy. The body of Samanagni possess equality in Dhatu and Indriya. Preserving Samanagni (that is neither should it be Mand, Visham or Teekshana) is the object of treatment.
[edit] Vishamagni
This type of Agni, sometimes digests food fast and some times digest food very delayed. When this agni is affected by the Vata Dosha, it creates Cholera, Diarrhoea, Infective diarrhoea, Dysentery, Vatadi Diseases, Spleenomegaly, Gulm/abdominal tumour, colic. flatulence, wind formation and accumulation, eructations etc. This is narrated by the Hareet in Hareet Samhita.
While Dhanavantri writes in Dhanavantri Samhita that the Jatharagni (digestive fire) some times digests complete food and some times produce colic, eructations, diarrhoea, haviness in abdomen, rumbling in abdomen, wind flow in intestines, dysentry etc and then digests food completely, that is Visamagni.
[edit] Teekshnagni
Teekshna means very quick/ very sharp/ very fast. Agni means digestive power or digestion capacity. Teekshagni means very quick digestion of food whatever is eaten. Acharya Sushruta states that when food digests very soon, this type of agni is known as "Teekshagni". When the power of digestion is increased from normal to above, then it digests food very quickly and produces the desire for food. When food digests, throat, mouth cavity and lips bacomes dry, with the burning sensation. This condition is known "Bhasmak Roga" according to Ayurveda.
In Hareeta Samhita, when food is eaten fully and person does not satisfy to food and again desire for food, eyes becomes yellow, presence of burning sensation and body strength deranges, the signs are indicative of the Teekshagni. When Vata and Pitta becomes weak and Pitta becomes strong and acute, the condition is knows as Bhasmagni' or Bhasmak.
The complications from the Bhasmak Roga are jaundice, aneamia, hepatitis, yellow skin, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, vertigo, hepatomegaly, anomaly of urine, colic, unconsciousness, heamophillia, heamatomasis, heamorrhage, sour eructations, hyperacidity, burning, pain, inflammation in urination etc. and the body is emaciated and weak.
[edit] Mandagni
Mandagni is a sansakrit word. "Mand" means slow and "agni" means digestive fire or digestive capacity. The meaning of the mandagni is slow digestive power or slow digestion capacity. Those who are having Mandagni, if they eat a very liitle, will unable to digest at least. Dhanavantri says that Agni which digest little and least food in much more time than normal time and before digestion of food produce heaviness in abdomen, heaviness in head, Asthama and respiratory problems, bronchitis, cough, excessive salivation from mouth, nausea, fatigue feeling in body etc. syndromes, known as Mandagni.