Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy
Please note, there is a higher resolution version of this image at Image:Whole world - land and oceans 12000.jpg, which is about 2.45x larger. This image has been left due to the fact that many people are unable to load the larger version at its full size.
Description |
Satellite composition of the whole Earth's surface.
Source |
NASA - Visible Earth, images combined and scaled down by Dbenbenn (8 megabyte upload limit)
Date |
image released 11. Feb. 2002
Author |
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Permission |
Copyright information from - With the exception of images produced by the SeaWiFS, QuickBird, and IKONOS instruments all images on the Visible Earth are governed by NASA's Terms of Use below. [...] For all non-private uses, NASA's Terms Of Use are as follows: 1. The imagery is free of licensing fees 2. NASA requires that they be provided a credit as the owners of the imagery [...]
Other versions |
Image:Whole world - land and oceans 12000.jpg is about 2.45x larger. |
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