User talk:Psneog
From Wikipedia
Dear Psneog,
I am so happy to see you that you are an active wikipedian in this wiki. I hope we will have some more pages for this wiki. Are you from Silchar? I visited Silchar couple of time before. Please see my article about শিলচর. I will be very happy if we can exchange some idea. I am form Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipedia. বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুৰী ভাষাত ৱিকিপেদিয়া খোলা হইছে, আপুনি Visit করিলে ধন্যবাদ কৰিব।
উত্তম সিংহ ১৬:৫৭, ১৬ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
Contents |
[edit] ধন্যবাদ
ধন্যবাদ, আপোনাৰ পত্ৰ পাই উত্সাহ পালো|
মোৰ ঘৰ যোৰহাতত| বৰ্তমান মই চাকৰিৰ দায়িত্বত শিলসৰত আছো| নিশ্ছয়, মই বিষ্ণুপ্ৰীয়া wikipedia-ৰ খবৰ ৰাখিছো আৰু মোৰ বিষ্ণুপ্ৰীয়া ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলকো তাত লিখিবলৈ উত্সাহ দিছো| মোৰ ফালৰপৰাও আপোনালোকলৈ শু্ভেচ্ছা থাকিল|
Psneog ১৩:২০, ১৮ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
- Thanks for your nice comments. It would be great idea if you encourage your students. Thanks -উত্তম সিংহ ২১:০০, ১৮ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
[edit] Spelling of your name
Just I am curious. Which one is the correct spelling of your name?
প্ৰভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ or প্রভাকৰ শর্মা নেওগ। Thanks. উত্তম সিংহ ০২:০০, ২৩ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
- প্ৰভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ (PRABHAKAR SARMA NEOG) ... why?
Psneog ০৫:০১, ২৪ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
- Just I am trying to learn spelling system. If you do not mind, please tell me which way to write: প্রথম or প্ৰথম, and see the following picture which is taken from
Thanks. -উত্তম সিংহ ২২:০৮, ২৪ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
Please also check following website:
উত্তম সিংহ ২২:১৫, ২৪ January ২০০৭ (UTC)
[edit] Thanks
I have heard about your effort towards the Oxomiya wikipedia in a group(assam_in_bangalore) mail. Nice to see your changes in the front page.
Sadly on my part, I have not been able to contribute to the wikipedia work for last couple of months because of my professional commitments. Perhaps we can figure out some topics among ourselves and start writing those. Your thoughts are always welcome.
[edit] Hi
I initially thought this as an abandoned wikipedia like Gujarati, Kashmiri, Tibetan etc. However, I am happy to find that people are active over here. The number of articles is very less over here which does not correspond to the large number of edits and users. I think you can run a bot to create basic articles on Indian cities which can be worked upon by the other users. Also, it would be easier to translate articles from Bangla and Manipuri wikipediae so that you can get readymade articles in the same script. If you need the bot script, you can contact Usingha or Manipuri or Ragib of Bangla. Thank you.--Eukesh ১৪:০০, ৩ February ২০০৭ (UTC)
[edit] Namaste
Its really nice to have someone who knows Nepali over here! Please feel free to contact me at my Nepal Bhasa page here if required. Thank you.--Eukesh ২২:১৭, ১৬ February ২০০৭ (UTC)