Talk:Bath coup
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There. Someone should double-check the example though; superficially, I think I got it right, but I'm too tired to verify it. Duja 15:26, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
It seems fine to me. It seems a 50:50 shot that declarer will play a heart first rather than a club mind. (Though you have mentioned this.) Cambion 16:12, 17 February 2006 (UTC)
Well, I feel the explaintion of the use of a Bath Coup is weak. As declarer you must take tricks, if you begin immediately with the Ace and lose even one trick along the way, it is likely the opponents will run their suit. The article uses the word "tempo" and that is not wrong, but it seems a little weak. With a Bath Coup, you let the opponents take the first trick of the suit but then they are stuck. Their opportunity to run their suit is greatly reduced. If declarer can keep the same fellow in the lead who has the long suit, if declarer can prevent the opposite declarer from leading through him, then declarer can take two tricks in the suit. And, additionally, declarer still has his good Ace. "tempo" is not really a wrong description and every author will describe it differently. Terryeo 19:29, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
- Much better article now, WD, Duja. Terryeo 09:44, 23 June 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks :-). Is "tempo" worth adding to the Contract bridge glossary or is it self-telling? The concept is a bit difficult to explain briefly... Duja 15:16, 23 June 2006 (UTC)