Behavioural change theories
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Behavioural Change Theories attempt to give explanations as to what influences the decision to change their health.
- Social Learning Theory - Behaviours are modelled
- Health Belief Model - Individual will change if there is perceived risk
- Reasoned Action - Intentions and Attitude important to change - will change if there is peer pressure to do so
- Stages of change model - 5 Stages - Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance
- Health Action Model - What holds the individual back from changing - Environment, Self esteem...........
Problem with the models:
- Does not consider the conditions of which the individual is in - If in a underdeveloped country, change of mindset insufficient to contribute to change in the health of the individual
- Victim blaming - blames the individual for the current state, focuses in on an individual rather than focusing on the social setting