Bernard Jonientz
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Bernard F. Jonientz (b. 1935) is an American poet. His work deals with Northwestern life, culture, and history as well as religious themes.
Critics have noted his idiosyncratic style and relentless commitment to a single general rhyme pattern. Some have speculated that his unusual meter and linguistic constructions are meant to reflect the unique cultural experience of the Northwesterner. This is sometimes countered with the protest that Jonientz' central thematic concern is with a return to traditional social structures and linguistic usage.
Bernard was raised in a large family with Catholic values. He spent most of his life as a Catholic priest, and is now retired and lives a quite life in Seattle Washington. Bernard is known for being a very quite man and a strict Catholic.
[edit] References
- Jonientz, Bernard F., 1935 – An American anthology of poetry / by Bernard F. Jonientz. Seattle, Washington: Peanut Butter Pub., c1993-[c1995] 2 v.; 22 cm. ISBN 0-89716-451-2 (v. 1)
- Archdiocese of Seattle: Rooted in tradition, St. Mark Parish to celebrate 50th year Lists Father Bernard Jonientz as a former assistant pastor of St. Mark Parish.