Bill Bradford
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- For other people with this name, see Bill Bradford (disambiguation).
Bill Bradford is a probable serial killer who has been convicted of killing two aspiring female models. He would first pretend to be a photographer to lure models to his house, he would then take pictures of them and, then strangled them and dumped the bodies in the desert. Bradford had an apparent hate for women, as in his apparent torture and beating of his victims.
He is currently on death row. During the trial, he claimed that there were more victims than he was being tried for. Retired detectives found the pictures of some fifty other aspiring models which had been taken in the period 1975 to 1984. This was an effort to find any more suspicious deaths. Some of the photographs have led to the confirmation that the models were alive after their encounters with Bradford. There has also been the revelation of another murder; the body of Donnalee Duhamel was found decapitated in a canyon in 1978.