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[edit] Billiard (number)
[This discussion was moved from the orphaned Talk:Billiard (number). — SMcCandlish [talk] [contrib] ツ 09:43, 28 January 2007 (UTC)]
Is this an English word? If not, should it be in the English Wikipedia?
If it's used in European countries other than the UK and Ireland it's presumably being used by people using English as a second language.
Not in Chambers dictionary (Edinbugh 2003)
Not in MW online.
[- anon.]
- It has been used in English, but rarely, and is definitely obsolete. Anyway, the fact that names for large numbers are nearly identical in different languages, but with meanings differing as explained in Long and short scales, is a good reason why this article should be allowed to exist. Check the "what links here" list to understand why. By the way, I've just been through that list for Billiard and Billiards to fix references to the number so they now link to Billiard (number), not to one of the other two. I may have failed to fix a few articles from those lists, e.g. personal names (most of which are billiards players).--Niels Ø 13:59, 1 June 2006 (UTC)