BirdLife Malta
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BirdLife Malta is Malta's biggest environmental NGO (non-governmental organisation). The aim of the organisation is to achieve protection of wild birds, natural habitat and biodiversity.
BirdLife Malta was founded in 1962, and was then known as MOS (Malta Ornithological Society). It started off more as a study group, but rapidly realised that wild birds were in dire need of someone to fight for their protection. Thus all of BirdLife Malta's efforts today are directly or indirectly channelled towards bird protection.
Malta is a very densely-populated small Mediterranean island state, with no truly wild areas. The biggest threats to birds in Malta are habitat destruction (e.g. new roads, hotels, golf courses), disturbance and direct persecution (hunting, trapping).
BirdLife Malta uses various ways to achieve bird protection. Foremost among its methods are education, especially through schools campaigns, publications, the media and an active junior member section; the management of two wetland nature reserves, namely Għadira and Is-Simar; lobbying the authorities for better bird-protection legislation; assisting the police for more effective law enforcement; and reclamation and improvement of degraded habitat. BirdLife Malta issues various newsletters and magazines for its membership. Its latest book is Where to Watch Birds and other wildlife in Malta (2004).
BirdLife Malta is an entirely voluntary organisation and dependent on subscription and donations. Membership currently stands at about 3000. More information can be found at the organisation's website [1], or write to