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[edit] Definition of political science
Political science is a study of a science such as political affairs, administration, political institution including phenomenon political. Moreover, it is the education in interdisciplinary by using knowledge of other fields to explain or support in the study of phenomenon political.
[edit] When did political science emerge ?
Political science was first found in Ancient Greece which is the origin of many philosophers were born. For the example Plato (c. 427–c. 347 BC), who was an extremely influential ancient Greek philosopher. Also, Aristotle (384 BCE – March 7, 322 BCE) who was an immensely influential Western political science philosopher.
[edit] What are the major subfields of political science ?
[edit] Three important examples of work in political science
[edit] Key people in political science
[edit] Methodology of political science
[edit] Key successes in the political science
The student of political science should have knowledge and understanding about the method of analysis and the political science theory. In order to adapt in the study of politics and administration. We should know about history and politic of the country and the history of economics since the past to present all over the way of thinking, an idea and content of politics. Furthermore, the understanding of the world economics, the change of history and the relation between each organization are also important. Last, we must look for the truth of social, economics and politics.
[edit] Limit of political science and Failures
[edit] Why political science matter to journalists
Political science matter to journalists because it plays a very impotant role in our society. It also relates to everyone as we all should know what is going on in our country, especially politic - it's very impotant to people's life. Meaning that journalists have to inform and give them reliable sources. Therefore, knowing about political sciences are neccessary to our day to day life.
[edit] Story ideas inspired by political science
[edit] Critisisms of political science