User:Blyth McManus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blyth McManus here. I live near the end of the earth in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and roam the world via Wikipedia, to which I have been quietly contributing since early 2004, although I began reading here long before that. As a writer and a business person, free distribution of good information is high on my list of priorities.
I have the dubious distinction that, at age 13, my first paying job was as a Latin tutor, and my love of language and information has permeated my life in the ensuing 23 years. And yes, I use old style comma notation :) For grammatical assistance I rely on Strunk & White's classic, The Elements of Style, and also my new favorite, Eats, Shoots & Leaves by the notorious British stickler Lynne Truss.
In my spare time, I concoct new business ideas, write books, and fall off my surfboard.
[edit] Contacting Me
blythmcmanus AT gmail DOT com
[edit] External links My bizarre, sand filled, and fairly frivolous stream of consciousness at LiveJournal.