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If a message on your talk page led you here, please be wary of who left it. The code below could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account; if your account appears to be compromised, it will be blocked. If you are unsure whether the code is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump.
////////////////////////////////////////// // Tabs by Korath // Modified by Bmicomp // returns <li><a href="url">name</a></li> ///////////////////////////////////////// function addlilink(url, name) { var na = document.createElement('a'); na.setAttribute('href', url); var txt = document.createTextNode(name); na.appendChild(txt); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(na); return li; } function addlilink2(url, name) { var na = document.createElement('a'); na.setAttribute('href', url); var txt = document.createTextNode(name); na.appendChild(txt); var li = document.createElement('li'); ="0em"; ="0em"; ="0em"; ="0em"; li.appendChild(na); return li; } function addlilink3(url, name) { var na = document.createElement('a'); na.setAttribute('href', url); var txt = document.createTextNode(name); na.appendChild(txt); var li = document.createElement('li'); ="0em"; ="0em"; li.appendChild(na); return li; } function addlilink4(url, name) { var na = document.createElement('a'); na.setAttribute('href', url); 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date = date.getUTCFullYear() + '_' + months[date.getUTCMonth()] + '_' + date.getUTCDate(); var pagename = strip_namespace(target);'/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' + pagename + '&action=edit&fakeaction=afdsub&faketarget=' + target, 'Afd ' + unescape(target), 'status,toolbar,location,menubar,directories,resizeable,scrollbars');'/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Log/' + date + '&action=edit&fakeaction=afdlist&faketarget=' + pagename, 'AfdLog ' + unescape(target), 'status,toolbar,location,menubar,directories,resizeable,scrollbars'); } function autoafd() { if (document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0) { var action = ''; var target = ''; if ( { var l ='&'); for (var i = 0; i < l.length; ++i) { var eq = l[i].indexOf('='); var name = l[i].substring(0, eq); if (name == 'fakeaction') action = l[i].substring(eq + 1); else if (name == 'faketarget') target = unescape(l[i].substring(eq + 1)).replace(/_/g, ' '); } } if (action == 'afdlist') { document.editform.wpTextbox1.value += '{{' + 'subst:afd3|pg=' + target + '}}\n'; 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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AutoCopyvio - Created by bmicomp from modified autovfd ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function add_link2(url, name) { var na = document.createElement('a'); na.setAttribute('href', url); na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(na); var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; tabs.appendChild(li); } function strip_namespace(target) { var colon = target.indexOf(':'); if (colon != -1) { var spaces = new Array('User', 'Wikipedia', 'Image', 'MediaWiki', 'Template', 'Help', 'Category'); var ns = target.substring(0, colon); if (ns == '' || ns == 'Talk') return target.substring(colon + 1); else for (var i = 0; i < spaces.length; ++i) { if (ns == spaces[i] || ns == spaces[i] + '_talk') return target.substring(colon + 1); } } return target; } function copyvio() { document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{' + '{' + 'copyvio|url=}}'; 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na.setAttribute('href', url); var txt = document.createTextNode(name); na.appendChild(txt); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(na); return li; } // Adds a "blocklog" tab and fills in the username field on Special:Blockip, if a "&faketarget=username" is present. function do_blockip_stuff() { // focus on Reason field document.getElementsByName('wpBlockReason')[0].focus(); // Look for a &faketarget= for the username/ip var l ='&'); var target = ''; for (var i = 0; i < l.length; ++i) { var n = l[i].indexOf('='); if (l[i].substring(0, n) == 'faketarget') { target = l[i].substring(n + 1); break; } } if (target == '') return; // put account name in "IP Address/username" field var addr = document.getElementsByName('wpBlockAddress')[0]; addr.value = unescape(target); // add "blocklog" tab var c1 = document.getElementById('column-one'); var tabs = c1.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; tabs.appendChild(addlilink('/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&type=block&user=&page=User%3A' + target, 'blocklog')); 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