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Brandon was born in a rural Kansas County, and was raised most of his life by wolves. Growing up as a feral child, Brandon learned how to walk on all "fours", how to eat without chewing, and to not "clean" himself after disposing of his wastes. Found by the crusading explorers Sheldon and Sarah Bender on their honeymoon in the area, Brandon was taken into loving arms by the couple. Brandon went through intense "Humanizing Support" in the town of Buffalo Grove, Illinois, where he was raised from 1993 to the present time. Brandon is now able to talk selective langauge, speaking only about 3 phrases. Those phrases are "Wanna pick up?" or "I'm Hungry" or "Where's Trish?". Trish is a teenage girl whom Brandon fell in love with in his support-mentor program. Today, Brandon is doing well, and has made much progress from his conditions in which he was living with the wolves. Sheldon stills needs to feed him with a spoon, and he is unable to "clean" himself, in which his mother Sarah does daily. Although progress has been made, Brandon still needs to consume as much food as an adult bear does during mating season. This is about 200lbs every week or so. Brandon has much support from his friends, whom he made as they volunteered at the support group. Nick Barkan, Elliot Brea, Joey Adler, Brian Anderson, and Blake Zelman, all Yale Alumni and philanthropists, studied his case, but all became friends with him.