Talk:British Columbia Coast
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[edit] Coastline lengths 'n' stuff
I'm pretty sure I don't have the coastline figures accurate; could be 40,000 for all I know; it's more than the rest of the coastline by about that propotion or difference, whatever the n0,000 is.
History section has yet to be completed. I put section headings below that to give an idea where this is going but this was a draft and I did it in one go this afternoon. Maps soon. Probably should get used to putting things of this size together in the sandbox, but I'm working off the wikification of the regional geography right now and was setting this up for various interlinks already in place as links but without entries to go with them . . . This is a companion-piece, regionally-speaking, to Interior Plateau, Lower Mainland, Coast Mountains, Pacific Northwest, Alaska Panhandle etc.
More later Skookum1 01:48, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Communities list vs First Nations list
I feel a little awkward separating these two; many individual First Nations are also single villages/locations and constitute communities; not having them in the communities list is a bit segregating; the whole point of the First Nations list is the respective sovereignties/cultures; whereas the communities list is meant to be places of note and which have services etc. The regional coalescences of First Nations political entities are probably what I should link to here to make it work, so there's not 400 First Nations communities listed (all with wildly-difficult to spell names).Skookum1 01:52, 10 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Rivers associated with inlets
It occurred to me earlier while looking at another article somewhere (?) that the list of inlets and waterways here could be given greater context if the rivers associated with them were also listed; I think for formatting reason this would be best done as a table/boxformat but I'm open to suggestions; also in the same league are any named ranges, such as the Namu Range near the townlet of the same name, and overall the division between the Pacific and Coast Ranges. Examples of the river-inlet connection are Howe Sound-Squamish River, Toba Inlet-Toba River, But Inlet-Homathko/Southgate Rivers, Knight Inlet-Klinaklini River, Dean Channel-Dean River and so on. At present I've only marked Telegraph Passage, the outlet of the inlet-like Skeena estuary, but as far as a page describing the coastal geography may be a four-column system with inlet-waterway | islands/archipelagos | rivers | ranges might work. Anything else? Other than illustrative photos - I'm already working on a suitable map.Skookum1 03:10, 10 January 2007 (UTC)