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Johnathon Edward Perry was born on June 21, 1989. He has great aspirations to join the army
and move up into the ranks of the Delta Force. Hes has quite the fondness for Movies (Favorite :
Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, Fight Club, or The Star Wars Movies. Least Favorite : It's a
Wonderful Life) and Books (Favorite : The Long Way Round. He couldn't pick a least favorite
because he has a bad habit of starting other books and never finishing the ones he was
originally reading) He likes Ewan Mcgregor and Brad Pitt and many people close to him says he
may have an unhealthy love of Keira Knightly.
He claims he cannot pick a favorite place hes been, because hes never really left
Michigan "and the greatest place is not in Michigan I can assure you". He someday hopes to hit
the road with nothing but a pack and a motorcycle and see where life takes him(He also believes
everyone should travel alone atleast once in thier lives)