- Apaza, Leandro, Peruvian folk musician
- Apelles (fl. 4th century BC), Greek painter
- Apelles (fl. mid-2nd century), theologian
- Apfelbaum, Hirsch (1883-1936), Soviet politician
- Apianus, Petrus (1495-1557)
- Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1918), Russian-descended French poet
- Apollinaris (died 390), bishop of Laodicea
- Apollinaris (Claudius) (fl. 2nd century), religious leader & author
- Apollinarius of Alexandria, Patriarch of Alexandria
- Apollo, Puerto Rican wrestler
- Apollodorus (fl. end 5th century BCE), Athenian painter
- Apollodorus (fl. 4th century BCE), banking-family member
- Apollodorus (fl. ca. 140 BC), Athenian grammarian
- Apollodorus of Carystus, playwright
- Apollodorus of Gela, playwright
- Apollodorus of Damascus (fl. 2nd century), architect
- Apollodorus of Pergamum (fl. 1st century BCE), rhetorician
- Apollodorus the Epicurean (fl. BCE), Greek biographer
- Apolloni, Giuseppe (1822-1899), Italian composer
- Apollonia, performer
- Apollonia, St., Alexandrian relilgious leader
- Apollonio, Zvest (born 1935), painter and graphic artist
- Apollonius, Greek philosopher
- Apollonius, St. (d. ca. 186), religious leader
- Apollonius of Athens (fl. 1st century BCE), sculptor
- Apollonius of Ephesus (fl. 180-210), religious leader & writer
- Apollonius of Perga (262-190 BCE), Greek geometer & astronomer
- Apollonius of Rhodes (born ca. 270 BCE), librarian
- Apollonius of Tralles (fl. 2nd century BCE), sculptor
- Apollonius of Tyana (2 CE-98), mathematician
- Apollonius Dyscolus (fl. 2nd century), grammarian
- Apollonius Molon (fl. 70 BCE), rhetorician
- Appel, Karel (1921–2006), painter
- Appert, Nicolas François (1750-ca. 1840)
- Apple, Fiona (born 1977), musician
- Applebee, Constance (1873-1981), sports coach
- Appleseed, Johnny (1774-1847), American orchardist & religious leader
- Appleton, Edward Victor (1892-1965)
- Applewhite, Marshall Herf (1931-1997), fringe religious leader
- Appleyard, Geoffrey (fl. early 1940s), British soldier
- Apps, Greg (born 1955), Australian director
- Apps, Syl (1915-1998), Canadian hockey player
- Apt, Jerome (born 1949), astronaut
- Apuleius, barzh