Robert Silverberg
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Ar pennad-mañ n'eo ket peurechu c'hoazh ; ma fell deoc'h labourat warnañ deuit da welout ha lakait hoc'h ali e pajenn ar gaozeadenn.
Ar pennad-mañ a zo ul lodenn eus ar rummad |
Skiant-faltazi |
Skrivagnerien Skiant-faltazi pennañ |
Jules Verne-Georges Orwell
H.G. Wells-Arthur C. Clarke |
Anthony Burgess-A. E. van Vogt
H. P. Lovecraft-Aldous Huxley Ray Bradbury-René Barjavel Michael Crichton-Dan Simmons |
Bed ar skiant-faltazi |
Skrivagnerien - An SF er BT |
An SF er Sinema |
Temoù an SF |
Rummad:Skiant-faltazi |
Robert Silverberg ( 15 Genver, 1935, Brooklyn, New York) a zo ur skrivagner skiant-faltazi amerikan. Meur a wech en-deus gounezet ar prizioù Hugo ha Nebula.
Silverberg, ul lenner bras, a grogas da ginnig danevelloù da gelaouennoù skiant-faltazi tra ma ne oa nemet ur c'hrennard. E Skol-Veur Kolombia e studias ha degemer a reas ur A.B e lennegezh saozneg e 1956. Embann a reas e romant kentañ, Revolt on Alpha C e 1955 hag er bloaz da heul e c'hounezas ar priz Hugo. Betek 1959 e skrivas danevelloù niverus evit kelaouennoù skiant-faltazi.
Taolenn |
[kemmañ] Oberennoù
[kemmañ] Romantoù
- Revolt on Alpha C (1955)
- Starman's Quest (1956)
- Master of Life and Death (1957)
- Invaders from Earth (1958)
- Aliens from Space (1958), dindan anv David Osborne)
- Collision Course (1961) (embannet e 1959 e'Amazing Stories)
- Time of the Great Freeze (1963)
- The Silent Invaders (1963)
- Planet of Death (1967)
- Thorns (1967)
- Those Who Watch (1967)
- The Time Hoppers (1967)
- To Open the Sky (1967)
- Those Who Lust (1967, dindan anv Elliot)
- World's Fair 1992 (1968)
- The Man in the Maze (1968)
- The Masks of Time (1968)
- Downward to the Earth (1969)
- Across a Billion Years (1969)
- Nightwings (1969)
- Three Survived (1969)
- To Live Again (1969)
- Up the Line (1969)
- Hawksbill Station (1970)
- Tower of Glass (1970)
- Son of Man (1971)
- The Second Trip (1971)
- The World Inside (1971)
- A Time of Changes (1971)
- The Book of Skulls (1972)
- Dying Inside (1972)
- The Stochastic Man (1975)
- Shadrach in the Furnace (1976)
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1980)
- Homefaring (1982)
- Majipoor Chronicles (1982)
- Valentine Pontifex (1983)
- Lord of Darkness (1983)
- Gilgamesh the King (1984)
- Sailing to Byzantium (1984)
- Tom O' Bedlam (1985)
- Star of Gypsies (1986)
- At Winter's End (1988)
- The New Springtime (1990) (Heul eus to At Winter's End)
- To the Land of the Living (1990)
- Nightfall (1990) (gant Isaac Asimov)
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1991)
- The Face of the Waters (1991)
- The Ugly Little Boy (1992) (gant Isaac Asimov)
- Kingdoms of the Wall (1992)
- The Positronic Man (1992) (gant Isaac Asimov)
- Hot Sky at Midnight (1994)
- The Mountains of Majipoor (1995)
- Starborne (1996)
- The Alien Years (1997)
- Sorcerers of Majipoor (1997)
- Lord Prestimion (1999)
- The King of Dreams (2001)
- The Longest Way Home (2002)
- Roma Eterna (2003)
[kemmañ] Dastumadoù danevelloù
- The Calibrated Alligator (1969)
- The Cube Root of Uncertainty (1970)
- Moonferns & Starsongs (1971)
- The Reality Trip and Other Implausibilities (1972)
- Sunrise On Mercury (1975)
- The Best of Robert Silverberg (1976)
- The Shores of Tomorrow (1976)
- Capricorn Games (1979)
- World of a Thousand Colors (1982)
- Beyond the Safe Zone (1986)
- The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1984)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Secret Sharers (1992)
- Phases of the Moon (2004)
- In the Beginning (2006)
[kemmañ] Levrioù arall
- Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations (1962)
- The Great Wall of China (1965)
- The Crusades (1965, as Franklin Hamilton)
- Light for the World: Edison and the Power of Electricity (1967)
- Men Against Time: Salvage Archaeology in the United States (1967)
- The Morning of Mankind: Prehistoric Man in Europe (1967)
- The Search for Eldorado (1967, as Walker Chapman)
- Sophisticated Sex Techniques in Marriage (1967, dindan anv L.T. Woodward)
- The World of the Rain Forests (1967)
- Four Men Who Changed the Universe (1968)
- Ghost Towns of the American West (1968)
- Mound Builders of Ancient America: The Archaeology of a Myth (1968)
- Sam Houston (1968, as Paul Hollander)
- The South Pole: A Book to Begin On (1968, dindan anv Lee Sebastian)
- The Stolen Election: Tilden vs. Hayes, 1876 (dindan anv Lloyd Robinson)
- Stormy Voyager (1968)
- Mound-Builders of Ancient America (1968)
- The Challenge of Climate: Man and His Environment (1969)
- Clocks for the Ages: How Scientists Date the Past (1971)
- Into Space: A Young Person's Guide to Space Exploration (1971)
- To the Western Shore: Growth of the United States (1971)
- John Muir, Prophet Among the Glaciers (1972)
- The Realm of Prester John (1972)
- The World Within the Ocean Wave (1972)
- The World Within the Tide Pool (1972)
- Fifteen Nights of Love (1973, non-fiction)
- Drug Themes in Science Fiction (1974)
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, 1929–1964