Yezhoù altaek
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Ur familh-yezhoù eo ar yezhoù altaek (saozneg: Altaic), ennañ 65 yezh komzet gant tro-dro da 250 milion a dud en holl e kreiz Azia, e reter pellañ Europa e Sina, Mongolia, Rusia (Azia), Turkia, Turkmenistan, Kazac'hstan, Kirizstan, Ouzbekistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaidjan, Iran, Lituania, Moldova ha Georgia.
Ne deu ket a-benn ar yezhonourion d'en em glevet war peseurt liamm resis e vije etre ar yezhoù lakaet a-stroll er familh yezhoù-mañ. Some scholars consider the obvious similarity between these languages as genetically inherited; others propose the idea of the Sprachbund.
There are two main schools of thought about the Altaic theory. One is that the proposed constituent language families (Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic in the basic theory, with the addition of Korean and Japanese in extended versions) are genetically or "divergently" related by descent from a common ancestor, "Proto-Altaic." The other school rejects this theory (so it is often called the "Anti-Altaic" school) and argues that the member languages are related by convergence (mainly loan influence).
The Altaic theory is claimed by its opponents to be based mainly on typological similarities, such as vowel harmony, lack of grammatical gender, an agglutinative typology, and loanwords. In fact, its proponents have put together a large variety of grammatical, lexical, and syntactic regular correspondences between the sub-groups of Altaic (e.g., Ramstedt, Poppe, Martin, Starostin). However, its opponents explain these as loanwords, mutual influence, or convergence, arguing that, although the Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic families do have similarities, they are the result of intensive borrowing and long contact among speakers.
The Altaic theory is highly controversial. While some support it, others (e.g., Doerfer 1963) do not regard Altaic as a valid group and see it as three (or more) separate language families. Other linguists, such as Bernard Comrie (1992, 2003), argue that Altaic may be part of a larger grouping, such as Nostratic or Eurasiatic. In contrast, J. Marshall Unger (1990) believes that languages such as Korean and Japanese may be part of a "macro-Tungusic" family. Vovin rejected the claim for a Koreo-Japonic branch of Altaic on the basis that they have no shared innovations.
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