C Anderson Johnson
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C. Anderson (Andy) Johnson is the director of the Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research (IPR), and Sidney Garfield Professor of Health Sciences and Professor of Preventive Medicine & Psychology at the University of Southern California. He is married to Charisse Vega, a designer. Children include a son, Dylan, and a daughter, Caroline.
Johnson earned his BA in psychology and PhD in social psychology with a minor emphasis in neuroscience from Duke University. Prior to his arrival at USC he did postdoctoral work in environmental psychology at the National Bureau of Standards and held a faculty position at the University of Minnesota. His research contributions include mechanisms of action in community based approaches to tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse prevention. His recent research has focused on social and cultural change acting in combination with genetically and environmentally driven dispositional characteristics to influence health risk behaviors, including socio-cultural and dispositional interactions influencing the effectiveness of smoking and alcohol abuse prevention programs. Johnson is director of the Pacific Rim Transdisciplinary Tobacco & Alcohol Use Research Center and co-director of the USC Transdisciplinary Drug Abuse Prevention Research Center. He is the founding director of the China Seven Cities Study, a longitudinal study of tobacco use and lifestyles in seven of China’s largest cities.
[edit] Publications
- Johnson, C. A., Unger, J. B., Ritt-Olson, A., Palmer, P. H., Cen, S. Y., Gallaher, P., & Chou, C.-P. (2005). Smoking prevention for ethnically diverse adolescents: 2-year outcomes of a multicultural, school-based smoking prevention curriculum in Southern California. Preventive Medicine, 40(6), 842-852.
- Nezami, E., Unger, J., Tan, S., Mahaffey, C., Ritt-Olson, A., Sussman, S., Nguyen-Michel, S., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Azen, S., & Johnson, C. A. (2005). The influence of depressive symptoms on experimental smoking and intention to smoke in a diverse youth sample. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 7(2), 243-248.
- Ritt-Olson, A., Unger, J. B., Valente, T., Nezami, E., Chou, C.-P., Trinidad, D. R., Milam, J., Tan, S., & Johnson, C. A. (2005). Exploring peers as a mediator of the association between depression and smoking in young adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse, 40(1), 77-98.
- Shakib, S., Zheng, H., Johnson, C. A., Chen, X., Sun, P., Palmer, P. H., Yan, L., Jie, G., & Unger, J. B. (2005). Family characteristics and smoking among urban and rural adolescents living in China. Preventive Medicine, 40(1), 83-91.
- Unger, J. B., Chou, C.-P., Palmer, P. H., Ritt-Olson, A., Gallaher, P., Cen, S., Lichtman, K., Azen, S., & Johnson, C. A. (2004). Project FLAVOR: 1-year outcomes of a multicultural, school-based smoking prevention curriculum for adolescents. American Journal of Public Health, 94(2), 263-265.