California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
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California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) is an independent agency created in 1970 by the Ryan Act and is the oldest of the autonomous state standards boards in the nation. The mission of the CCTC is to facilitate the credentialing of californias teachers. The commission issues and renews teaching credentials as well as substitute teacher credentials. The website has a searchable database for California teacher's credentials.[1]
The commission operates out of Sacramento, CA.
[edit] Commissioners
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing consists of nineteen Members, fifteen voting Members and four ex-officio, non-voting Members. The Governor appoints fourteen voting Commissioners and the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction or his/her designee serves as the fifteenth voting Member. The four ex-officio Members are selected one each by the major elements of the California higher education constituency: Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities; Regents of the University of California; California Postsecondary Education Commission; and the California State University.
The current Governor-appointed Commissioners consist of six classroom teachers, one school administrator, one school board member, one school counselor or services credential holder, one higher education faculty member from an institution for teacher education, and four public members.[2]
Governor appointed Commissioners are typically appointed to four-year terms, and serve as volunteers in unpaid positions.