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Hi my name is Christine Drayton, I was born and raise in Savannah Ga. I know it's going on two year since Jason Johnson( Camouflage) had been killed but i just can't get over it. Some times I still cry cause he was my favorite rapper. When i found out that he been shot i was really hurt and I knew i had to see him one more time before they had to but him in the dirt. Just like tupac was his person he looked up to cause he kept it real, I looked up to camouflage cause he really kept it real in all of his songs. Iam close friends of camouflage cousin, Akil Dunbar( frige), Keke man and Tray. I knew them for five years so when we heard the bad new about Camouflage we sat down and played all his music with tears in our eyes. To let some of the stress of we somked weed all day and drink for our nigga. It was the sadest summer of the year, it seems like ever one was get killed back to back. Know one knows what really happen but I know that it had alot to do with the past. I just want Jason Jhonson to know that I still rock his music and he will always be in my heart. And when I make it big as an rapper he will be the frist I'll give an sout out to on my frist song.
I will always love you Camouflage if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where Iam at today.