Canada India Institute-Industry Link Project
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Canada India Institute - Industry Linkage Project (CIIILP) is a bilateral technical education project supported by the Governments of Canada and India.
The principal stake holders are Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Indian Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) and Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Directorates of Technical Education in the five Indian states, Canadian & Indian industries.
The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) serves as the executing agency. In the project implementation, National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU) under MHRD plays the moderator's role.
The Joint Project Steering Committee (JPSC), is the apex body which advises on and approves the workplan, policies, implementation plan and strategies necessary to enable the project to function effectively with the participation of all concerned. The JPSC is ultimately responsible to the Governments of Canada and India.
The project is being implemented under the direction of JPSC which is chaired by a representative from the MHRD, with the representatives of CIDA, DEA, DTE, TTTI, ISTE, CII, AND ACCC as committee members. The Project Manager serves as secretary to the committee.