Wikipedia:Canadian wikipedians' notice board/Dictionary of Canadian Biography/R
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Lists of people with entries in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. [1] |
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Contents |
[edit] Ra
- Augustin Raby
- Augustin-Jérôme Raby - verified
- Zotique Racicot
- Antoine Racine
- Dominique Racine
- Thomas Radcliff
- Thomas Mabon Radenhurst - verified
- Pierre-Esprit Radisson - verified
- Ann Cuthbert Rae
- John Rae (1796-1872)
- John Rae (1813-93) - verified
- Pierre Raffeix
- Charles Rageot de Saint-Luc
- Nicolas Rageot de Saint-Luc
- Gilles Rageot
- Paul Ragueneau - verified
- Joseph-Charles Raimbault de Piedmont
- Jean Raimbault
- Pierre Raimbault
- Marie Raisin
- Marie Raizenne
- Marie-Clotilde Raizenne
- Sébastien Rale - verified
- Jean Ralluau
- John Ramage
- Alfred-Xavier Rambau
- Claude de Ramezay
- Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Roch de Ramezay
- Louise de Ramezay
- Marie-Charlotte de Ramezay
- David Ramsay (fur trader)
- George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie - verified
- Thomas Kennedy Ramsay
- Silas Tertius Rand
- Theodore Harding Rand
- Robert Randal - verified
- Stephen Randal
- Hugues Randin
- Alexander Rankin
- Arthur Rankin - verified
- Coun Douly Rankin
- John Rankin (naval officer) [2]
- Robert Rankin (1801-1870)
- William Rankin
- Sylvestre-François-Michel Ransonnet
- Étienne Ranvoyzé - verified
- François Ranvoyzé
- William Raphael - verified
- Pierre de Rastel de Rocheblave - verified
- John Rastell, the younger
- Frederick James Rastrick
- Edward Wilkes Rathbun
- Jean Rattier
- William Jordan Rattray
- Antoine-Denis Raudot
- Jacques Raudot
- Charles Raymbaut
- Charles Raymond
- Jean-Baptiste Raymond - verified
- Jean-Louis de Raymond, Comte de Raymond
- Jean-Moïse Raymond - verified
- Joseph-Sabin Raymond
- John Rayner
- Alphonse Raza
- Isaac de Razilly - verified
[edit] Re
- David Breakenridge Read
- John Landon Read
- John Reade
- Onésime Readman
- John Ready - verified
- Charles Réaume
- Louis-Étienne-Delille Reboul
- Jean-Félix Récher
- Charles B Record
- John Redpath - verified
- William Rees
- William Albert Reeve
- John Reeves
- Robert Wilson Reford
- Peter Regier
- Charles-Denis Regnard Duplessis de Morampont
- Georges Regnard Duplessis
- Marie-Andrée Regnard Duplessis
- François-Joseph-Victor Regnaud
- Alexander Peter Reid
- Georgina Stanley Reid
- Hugo Reid (educator)
- James Murray Reid
- John Dowsley Reid - verified
- Sir Robert Gillespie Reid - verified
- John Christopher Reiffenstein
- Edward Reilly
- Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle - verified
- Pierre Rémy
- François-Marie Renaud d'Avène de Desmeloizes
- Angélique Renaud d'Avène des Méloizes
- Nicolas Renaud d'Avène des Méloizes
- Nicolas-Marie Renaud d'Avène des Méloizes
- Jacques-Charles Renaud Dubuisson
- Louis-Jacques-Charles Renaud Dubuisson
- Pierre Renaud
- Jean Renaud
- Jean-Baptiste Renaud
- Louis Renaud - verified
- Stephen Rendell
- Thomas Render
- Patrice René
- George Richard Renfrew
- William Rennie (1835-1910)
- Pierre-Joseph Resche
- Pierre Révol
- Alexis Reynard
- Joseph-Pierre Rézé
- Adolphe Rho
- John Rhoades
- Nelson Admiral Rhodes
[edit] Ri
- Sir Phineas Riall - verified
- Jacob Rice
- Samuel Dwight Rice
- Harry Rich
- Guillaume Richard Lafleur
- Édouard Richard
- Louis-Eusèbe Richard
- Marcel-François Richard
- Marie-Louise Richard
- Maurice Richard - verified
- Jackson John Richards
- Michael Richards (1673-1722)
- Sir George Henry Richards - verified
- Sir William Buell Richards - verified
- William Richards (artist) [3]
- Edward Mallcott Richardson
- George Taylor Richardson
- Hugh Richardson (1784-1870) - verified
- Hugh Richardson (1826-1913) - verified
- James Richardson (1791-1875)
- James Richardson (1810-83)
- James Richardson (1819-92)
- James Richardson (d. 1832)
- James Cleland Richardson - verified
- John Richardson (author) - verified
- John Richardson (d. 1831) - verified
- Samuel Richardson (surveyor)
- Sir John Richardson (naturalist) - verified
- Matthew Richey - verified
- Thomas Ridley
- George Ridout
- George Percival Ridout
- Joseph Davis Ridout
- Lionel Augustus Clark Ridout
- Matilda Ridout
- Samuel Smith Ridout
- Thomas Ridout - verified
- Thomas Gibbs Ridout
- Louis Riel Sr. - verified
- Louis Riel - verified
- Jean-Baptiste Rieutord
- Michele Rigali
- Pierre François de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil-Cavagnal - verified
- François-Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil
- Joseph-Hyacinthe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil
- Louis-Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Marquis de Vaudreuil
- Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Marquis de Vaudreuil - verified
- Peter Rindisbacher - verified
- David Isaac Kirwin Rine
- William Rintoul
- John Riordon
- John Ritchie (merchant) [4]
- John William Ritchie - verified
- Samuel J Ritchie
- Sir William Johnston Ritchie
- Thomas Ritchie (judge) [5]
- William Ritchie
- William Bruce Almon Ritchie
- Noël-Joseph Ritchot - verified
- Robert Paterson Rithet
- John Adam Rittinger
- Sévère Rivard
- Denis Riverin
- Joseph Riverin
- Pierre Rivet Cavelier
[edit] Ro
- John Roaf
- James Robb (scientist)
- Abel Cutler Robbins
- Antoine-Bernardin Robert
- Clément Robert
- Benjamin Roberts
- Charles Roberts (army officer) [6]
- George Goodridge Roberts
- Lewis Roberts
- Alexander Rocke Robertson
- Andrew Robertson (1815-80)
- Andrew Robertson (1827-90)
- Charles Robertson (army officer) [7]
- Colin Robertson - verified
- Daniel Robertson (army officer) [8]
- James Robertson (1747-1816)
- James Robertson (1831-1900)
- James Robertson (1839-1902)
- James Wilson Robertson
- John Robertson (politician) (1799-1876) [9]
- John Ross Robertson - verified
- Joseph Gibb Robertson
- Margaret Murray Robertson
- Thomas Robertson (surgeon) [10]
- Thomas Jaffray Robertson
- William Robertson (1784-1844)
- William Robertson (politician) - verified
- Patrick Robertson-Ross
- Jean-Baptiste Robichaux
- Louis Robichaux [11]
- Otho Robichaux
- Vénérande Robichaux
- Simon Bradstreet Robie
- Charles Robin - verified
- Pierre Robinau de Bécancour, Baron de Portneuf
- René Robinau de Bécancour
- Daniel Robinau de Neuvillette
- Philippe-René Robinau de Portneuf
- Pierre Robinau de Portneuf
- René Robinau de Portneuf
- Joseph Robinau de Villebon
- Christopher Robinson (1763-98) - verified
- Christopher Robinson (1828-1905)
- Eliza Arden Robinson
- George Richard Robinson
- Hezekiah Robinson
- John Robinson (Businessman) (in disamb page)
- John Beverley Robinson - verified
- Joseph Robinson (Loyalist)
- Joseph Hiram Robinson
- Peter Robinson (1785-1838) - verified
- Sir Bryan Robinson (judge) [12]
- Sir John Beverley Robinson (d. 1863) - verified
- Sir Robert Robinson (1624-1705)
- Sir William Cleaver Francis Robinson - verified
- William Benjamin Robinson - verified
- Olivier Robitaille - verified
- Théodore Robitaille - verified
- David Roblin - verified
- John Philip Roblin - verified
- Louis Roblot
- John Robson - verified
- Joseph Robson
- Zacharie Robutel de la Noue - verified
- Étienne Rocbert de la Morandière
- Marie-Élisabeth Rocbert de la Morandière
- John Knatchbull Roche
- Cléophas Rochette
- John Rochfort
- Alfred Rochon
- Charles-Séraphin Rodier (1797-1876)
- Charles-Séraphin Rodier (1818-90)
- Édouard-Étienne Rodier - verified
- Joseph-Alphonse Rodier
- Antoine Rodrigue
- Jean-Baptiste Rodrigue
- Henry Roe
- Walter Roe
- John Arthur Roebuck - verified
- Charles Roger
- Guillaume Roger
- Albert Bowman Rogers - verified
- Benjamin Tingley Rogers
- David McGregor Rogers - verified
- Frank Rogers (labour organizer) [13]
- James Rogers (priest)
- Lucy Anne Harrington Rogers
- Robert Rogers (soldier) - verified
- Thomas Rogers (architect)
- William Henry Rogers
- James Johnstone Rogerson
- Joseph Rolette - verified
- Jean-Baptiste Rolland
- Jean-Roch Rolland
- Marie Rollet
- Paul Rollin
- Andrew Rollo, 5th Baron Rollo
- James Rollo
- John Rolph - verified
- Thomas Rolph (surgeon) [14]
- Jean-Pierre Roma
- François Romain
- Pierre Romieux
- Jacques-Philippe-Urbain Rondeau
- John Roope
- Jacques-Guillaume Roque
- Claude Roquemont de Brison
- Bennett Rosamond
- George MacLean Rose
- Sir John Rose - verified
- Johannes Roseboom
- Abner Mulholland Rosebrugh
- Stanley Wallace Rosevear
- Alexander Ross (fur trader) - verified
- Alexander Milton Ross - verified
- Arthur Wellington Ross
- Bernard Rogan Ross
- David Alexander Ross
- Dunbar Ross - verified
- Duncan Ross
- Flora Amelia Ross
- Francis Ross
- George McLeod Ross
- Moses Ross
- Hugh Ross (clergyman) [15]
- James Ross (1811-86)
- James Ross (Canadian lawyer) - verified
- James Ross (1848-1913)
- James Gibb Ross
- John Ross (1818-71) - verified
- John Ross (fl. 1762-89)
- John Jones Ross - verified
- Malchom Ross
- Philip Simpson Ross
- Sally Ross
- Sir George William Ross - verified
- Sir James Clark Ross - verified
- Sir John Ross - verified
- Viljo Rosvall
- Francis de Rottenburg, Baron de Rottenburg - verified
- Édouard-Sylvestre de Rottermund, Count de Rottermund
- Jean-Philippe Rottot
- Pierre-Joseph-Antoine Roubaud
- William Roubel
- Louis Rouer d'Artigny
- Augustin Rouer de Villeray et de la Cardonnière
- Benjamin Rouer de Villeray
- Louis Rouer de Villeray
- Joseph Rouffio
- Ambroise Rouillard
- Charles-Borromée Rouleau
- Édouard-Hector Rouleau
- Jean-Baptiste Roupe
- John Rous
- Gabriel Rousseau de Villejouin
- Dominique Rousseau
- John Baptist Rousseaux St John
- Timothée Roussel
- Benjamin-Victor Rousselot
- Louis Roussy
- Richard Routh
- Sir Randolph Isham Routh
- Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier - verified
- Jean-Henry-Auguste Roux
- William Bickford Row
- Sir William Rowan
- John Rowand - verified
- Thomas Rowley (settler) - verified
- Henry Rowsell
- Louis Roy Portelance - verified
- Michel Roy
- Gabrielle Roy - verified
- Joseph Roy - verified
- Joseph-Edmond Roy - verified
- Louis Roy
- Louis-David Roy
- Marguerite Roy
- Narsise Roy
- Paul-Eugène Roy
- Rouër Roy
- Thomas Roy (engineer) [16]
- Jean-Baptiste Roy-Audy
- Joseph Royal - verified
- Madeleine de Roybon d'Allonne
[edit] Ru
- Charles Rubidge
- Frederick Preston Rubidge - verified
- Barbara Ruckle
- William Rudolf
- François-Madeleine-Fortuné Ruette d'Auteuil de Monceaux
- Denis-Joseph Ruette d'Auteuil
- Robert Terrill Rundle - verified
- Andrew Russell (surveyor)
- Archibald Russell (labourer) [17]
- Edward John Russell (illustrator) [18]
- Elizabeth Russell
- Joseph Russell
- Peter Russell (politician) - verified
- John Rut - verified
- William John Rutherford
- Henry Ruttan - verified
- Henry Norlande Ruttan
[edit] Ry
- Anne Gregg Ryan
- Henry Ryan
- Hugh Ryan
- James A. Ryan
- John Ryan (printer) [[19]
- John B. Ryan
- Thomas Ryan - verified
- Maria Susan Rye - verified
- Amelia Ryerse
- Samuel Ryerse
- Egerton Ryerson - verified
- George Ryerson
- John Ryerson
- William Ryerson- verified
- George Rykert- verified
- Herman Witsius Ryland
- Joseph Rymal- verified
Lists of people with entries in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. [20] |
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