Card Rugby
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[edit] Introduction
Card Rugby is a game invented by Stephen and Patrick Coneglan in the early 1980s. The game consists of either one or two decks of playing cards, jokers included. The game is played in two halves, once you go through the entire deck(s) of playing cards the half is over. The player with the most points wins.
[edit] How to Play
To start the two players must choose who will start (kick off). Each player gets four cards and four cards get placed in the middle, no two cards in the middle can be the same and the two cards which cannot be placed in the middle are Jacks and Jokers. These two cards are the most powerful, this is explained later on. Both players alternate cards, placing one down in the middle at a time, once all four have been used the two players receive four more, the only time four cards are placed in the middle is at the start of a half. If two of the same cards are put down e.g. Player A puts down 4, Player B puts down 4, then the pack is cleared and Player B is on the 'attack'. Another way to clear the pack is to put down a Jack or a Joker.
From here, Player A will put down a card, if Player B has the same card he will put it down and score a try. If the card is a different colour 5 points are scored, if the card is the same colour 7 points are scored. Here is where a Joker is so vital as a Joker can be any card you choose it to be. So basically if you have a Jack and Joker you are guaranteed a try e.g. Player B has Jack and Joker, clears pack with Jack and scores with Joker.
Penalties are scored when the same card is put down back to back by a player e.g. Player A puts down a 6, Player B puts down a Queen, Player A puts down a 6. Here, Player B will receive 3 points for the penalty.
[edit] Variations
A slight variation to the game is Card Soccer, where instead of tries being scored goals are scored.