Carol Myers-Scotten
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Carol Myers-Scotton (b. 1934) is a Distinguished Professor Emerita in the Linguistics Program and Department of English at the University of South Carolina.
She received her A.B. from Grinnell College in 1955, and her M.A. in English in 1961 and Ph.D. in linguistics in 1967, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Myers-Scotton has authored or coauthored over 100 articles and book chapters in linguistics, primarily in the areas of sociopragmatics, bilingualism and African linguistics. Much of her attention has been spent explaining the social and cognitive aspects of codeswitching and bilingualism. In addition to her numerous articles, she has also published six books, including Contact Linguistics (2002) and Multiple Voices (2005).
Myers-Scotton has received over 40 grants and honors, including a 1983 Fulbright grant to study dialects in Kenya and Zimbabwe and a 2004 National Science Foundation grant to study the influence of English on Xhosa-speaking South Africans around Johannesburg.
She resided in Columbia, South Carolina until 2006, where she was involved at the University of South Carolina and continuing research in linguistics. She currently resides in East Lansing, Michigan, where she continues her research and writing.