Catullus 5
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Catullus 5 is a poem by Catullus. This poem concerns his love of Lesbia. This seems to have been written at a very passionate stage of the affair.
Contents |
[edit] Text And Translation
Line | Latin Text | English Translation |
1 | Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus, | Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love, |
2 | rumoresque senum severiorum | and let us value all the rumors |
3 | omnes unius aestimemus assis! | of rather severe old men as one penny! |
4 | soles occidere et redire possunt; | Suns are able to set and return; |
5 | nobis, cum semel occidit brevis lux, | for us, once the brief light sets, |
6 | nox est perpetua una dormienda. | there is one perpetual night to be slept through. |
7 | da mi basia mille, deinde centum, | Give me one thousand kisses, then one hundred, |
8 | dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, | then one thousand others, then a second one hundred, |
9 | deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum; | then on continuously into one thousand others, then one hundred. |
10 | dein, cum milia multa fecerimus, | Then, when we have counted up many thousands, |
11 | conturbabimus, illa ne sciamus, | we will mix them up, lest we know that number, |
12 | aut ne quis malus invidere possit | or any evil one is able to envy us |
13 | cum tantum sciat esse basiorum. | when he knows how many kisses there were. |
[edit] Connotations Of The Text
- Lines 2-3
This is a reference to the gossip going around the Senate, as it was believed that Catullus was having an affair with a senator's wife, known as Clodia. This is also thought to be the woman Lesbia in his poetry. Catullus is urging Clodia to disregard what people are saying about them, so she can spend more time with him.
- Line 5
brevis lux - "brief light"
A pessimstic view of life, and the belief of no afterlife. This was a belief at odds with most Romans, who believed in the afterlife.
He also uses this view as an argument as to why Lesbia should spend lots of time with him.
- Line 11
conturbabimus illa - throw those accounts into confusion
This hopes that the evil ones will not know the specific numbers of kisses, therefore reducing the effectiveness of any potential spell. [See Below].
- Line 12
malus invidere possit - [a person] casts the evil eye upon
This is linked to the belief of witchcraft. In the practice of witchcraft it was believed that if the evil one knew of certain numbers relevant to the victims (in this case the number of kisses) then the spell would be much more effective.
[edit] Poetic Effects
- Line 5-6
The position of lux - light, and nox - night right next to each other serve to emphasise his two comparisons. Symbolically, the "perpetual night" represents death and the "brief light" represents life.
[edit] Vocabulary
- Line 2
rumor, -oris, m. - rumour; gossip
severus, -a, -um - serious; strict
- Line 3
unius - (Gen.of unus) - [value of] one
aestimare - value; estimate
as, assis, m. - a penny; a farthing
- Line 4
sol, solis, m. - sun
occido, -ere, -cidi, -cisum - fall; fall down; set
- Line 5
semel (adv.) - once; once and for all
- Line 7
basium, -ii, n. - a kiss
- Line 8
dein (abbrev. of deinde) - then; afterward
- Line 9
usque (adv.) - right up to; as much as; continually
- Line 10
fecerimus (fut. perf. indic.) - we shall have made
- Line 11
conturbare - throw into confusion
scio, scire, scivi, scitum - know; have knowledge of
- Line 12
invideo, invidi, invisum - cast the evil eye upon; envy; grudge
[edit] Metre
The poem is written in the hendecasyllable style.