Catullus 70
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Catullus 70 is a short poem written by the Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus. The poem is about Catullus' doubts of his lover Lesbia and her loyalty to him.
[edit] Text And Translation
Line | Latin Text | English Translation |
1 | Nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere malle | My woman says that she prefers to be married to no one |
2 | quam mihi, no si se Iupiter ipse petat. | than me, not even if Jupiter himself should seek her. |
3 | dicit: sed mulier cupido dicit amanti, | she says: but what a woman says to her passionate lover, |
4 | in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua. | she ought to write on the wind or on fast-flowing water. |
[edit] Vocabulary
- Line 1
mulier, mulieris, f. - a woman
nubo, -ere, -psi, -uptum - to be married to; to become the wife of
malo, malle, malui - prefer
- Line 3
cupidus, -a, -um - desirous, ardent, eager; passionate
- Line 4
oportet, oportuit - it is necessary; proper; reasonable
rapidus, -a -um - swift; rapid; fast