Centre for Dialogue
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The Centre for Dialogue |
Established | 2006 |
Director | Professor Joseph A. Camilleri |
Location | Melbourne, Australia |
Campus | Bundoora Campus |
Website | http://www.latrobe.edu.au/dialogue |
The Centre for Dialogue is an interdisciplinary research institution of La Trobe University. The director of the research institution is Professor Joeseph A. Camilleri, who is a prominent figure in the study of International Relations. The research centre specialises in the philosophy, method and practice of dialogue between communities, cultures, religions and civilisations. The key aims of the Centre include:
- Educational projects designed to promote inter-cultural/inter-civilisational dialogue in schools and universities
- Research that addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by cultural, religious and political diversity and conflict
- Policy advice to governmental bodies, international agencies and non-governmental organisations
- Events, such as public forums, conferences, workshops, professional development days, courses, seminars consultations and media events
- Publications, such as working papers, books, articles, reports, media comment and audio visual resources.
Contents |
[edit] Projects of the Centre
The focus of the Centre is largely concentrated on delving into both intercultural and interreligious conflict, as well as the researching of practical methods of dialogue in which may be applied to enhance peaceful resolutions and cooperation. However, more specifically, the Centre for Dialogue has several current ongoing projects which act as the hallmark of the institutions study. Examples of such ongoing projects which the Centre has focused on are the tensions that have arisen relating to the roles of religion and culture in international politics, particularly since the September 11 terrorist attacks. Such projects continue to focus on how the government, nongovernment and civil society sectors have responded, most notably in Europe, the US, and Asia (including Australia). Other projects also include an Education Dialogue Project, which investigates the Victorian education system and ways to enhance intercultural awareness and understanding, as well as the La Trobe Cyprus Project which is aimed at examining the prospects for rapprochement between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, with particular focus on the failings of the 2004 Annan plan.
[edit] Publications
The research projects aim to compose and distribute publications of their findings. The Centre for Dialogue also distributes several working papers each year that do not necessarily relate to the Centre’s projects. Monographs are submitted to the Centre to be considered by the editorial committee for publication. The intention of the Working Papers is to provide the research community (including students and academics), policy-makers, journalists and community leaders with an opportunity to contribute to ongoing debates. Papers are preferred to focus on the dynamics of conflict (whether intra-state, inter-state, or trans-state). They generally must also identify ways in which the theory and/or practice of dialogue has contributed to coexistence, co-operation and mutual enrichment and highlight methods that may foster peaceful relations in the future. The Centre for Dialogue and its staff also contribute to and actively support the international scholarly journal Global Change, Peace and Securitypublished by Routledge and edited from La Trobe University
[edit] External links
- Official Website of La Trobe University
- Global Change, Peace & Security Website
- Professor Joseph A. Camilleri Official Site