Change Round-Up
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Change Round-Up is a relatively new company whose mission is to raise funds for charities.
[edit] Overview
By partnering with existing online retailers, Change Round-Up enables online consumers to donate spare change while shopping on the internet. Charities are able to ask online shoppers during checkout at existing retail websites if they would like to “round-up” their total purchase price to the nearest whole dollar and donate that “spare change” to a charity of their choice.
Shoppers/Donors can choose which non-profit will receive their donation and are also given the option to enter in a different (hopefully larger) amount to donate. Change Round-Up manages the network of online retailers and non-profits and ensures integrity of the system.
The system allows retailers to choose 4-5 charities that they want to support or that they think their customers are likely to support. This helps retailers publicly show their support for these causes and build relationships with their customers. While each donation will likely be very small, when aggregated, these donations can add up to be very significant.