Characters in Hunter × Hunter
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This is a list of fictional characters from the anime/manga series Hunter × Hunter.
[edit] Anita
Anita | |
![]() |
Age: | 14 |
Candidate number: | No. 111 |
Blood type: | AB |
As a result of tracking down the assassins who had killed her father, Anita sneaked up onto the Hunter blimp as an illegal stowaway. Her main target-- to attack Killua, as his family was responsible for the murder. Yet, she ultimately realised her mistake as she found out that the much beloved father she knew was actually a prominent drug-trafficker in the black market, who had made many enemies. The assassins were merely doing their job and should not be held responsible for his death. Having this revelation, Anita parted amicably from the Exam.
- Anita is a character that appears only in the anime version of Hunter x Hunter, and does not exist in the original manga version.
[edit] Abengane
He is a nen remover who can summon a creature to remove curses to himself or to other users. First appearing during the Greed Island arc, Hisoka finds Abengane and hires him to remove the curse placed on Kuroro by Kurapika. We are unaware if he will be able to or not, nor do we know if he has done so.
One of the conditions for his ability to remove curses is that the creature he summons would attach onto himself, and devour both the nen causing the curse and his own, rendering him unable to use nen. The only way to rid himself of the creature is to fulfill the original condition for removing the curse (i.e. he used it to remove the time bomb Gensuru placed on him, but the creature would drain his nen until he touches Gensuru and say: "I caught the bomber"). Therefore, even if he removes the curse Kurapika placed on Kuroro, he would still be unable to use nen (but could now talk with other members of the Genei Ryodan).
[edit] Meruem
Meruem (The Ant Emperor) | |
Nen type: | Specialization |
Meruem is the offspring of the Chimera Ant's queen and the emperor over all the Chimera Ants. The queen gave birth to him with the intent of creating "a perfect offspring" superior to all other Chimera Ants. Instead of being naturally born, he ripped himself out of the queen's womb, and does not care at all over the fact that he killed his birth mother. He has taken over the country by killing its leader (whom Nefelpitou now controls him as a puppet). He is shown to be an extremely cruel ruler, not only slaughtering countless people, but also killing any of his subject Chimera Ants who dares to be disrespectful to him.
Meruem's ability involves eating the flesh of nen-users he has killed. By devouring them, he adds their nen to his own, and further increases his power. He has incredible fighting ability that even Netero, president of the Hunter committee, expresses doubt that he could defeat him.
He has taken interest in various forms of board games, and gathered various players to his palace. He could master any form of chess within several games, suggesting his superior intellect compared to human mind. After he defeats the best player, he proceeds to kill them, considering they are of no further use. One day, however, he faces the world champion of Gung-Gi (a game unique to the Hunter x Hunter world), who is a blind girl that appears to be stupid, until the game starts. Meruem is unable to defeat her no matter how hard he tries, since she is improving at the same rate he is, possibly even higher. After a while, Meruem has even started to care about her (much to the shock of his followers), constantly saving her from her suicidal devotion to him.
[edit] Battera
Multi-billionaire that spent most of his fortune to buy as many games of Greed Island at the York Shin Auction. He later hired several hunters to play the game. The reward for winning the game was several billion Jenis.
It was discovered that Battera needed the Archangel's Breath card from Greed Island to heal his terminally ill lover. However, she passed away before the game was completed, and the reward disappeared as well.
[edit] Bodoro
Bodoro | |
Candidate number: | No. 191 |
- Outcome: Killed at final stage.
An expert at martial arts, Bodoro is a strict and seemingly stubborn old man with an unspoken rivalry with another martial artist participating in the Hunter Exam. However, this rivalry is tossed aside in the dire circumstances of Rippo's "bonus stage" after the Trick Tower.
When interviewed by Netero for the final stage of the Hunter Exam, his honour code forbids him to fight Gon and Killua, who he sees as children, no matter what their ability. His first battle in the fifth stage of the test is against Hisoka, who he can not even scratch, despite having a lifetime record of not a single man being able to withstand one hit by him. After a whisper in his ear by Hisoka, he admits defeat, and his next fight is against Leorio. However, he was unluckily at the receiving end of Killua's sudden outburst of violence, and although he was sent to the hospital immediately, he died soon after.
[edit] Biscuit Kruger
Biscuit Kruger | |
Age: | 57 |
Nen type: | Transformation (Transmutation) |
Nen ability: | Magical Este |
Biscuit first comes into the story in Greed Island. Although she appeared to be a little girl, in her true form, she is actually an extremely fit and muscular woman, to the point that Killua calls her "gorilla." She helps Gon and Killua train while they are at Greed Island, leading them closer to the end of the game. Her goal in the game was to get the gem found only in that game, Blue Planet. She prefers to be called "Bisuke". In addition, she was the teacher of Wing, who is currently the teacher of Zushi and first taught Nen to Gon and Killua. After the events of Greed Island, she returns to help Gon and Killua train for their battles against the Chimera Ants.
- Nen Ability: Magical Estë
Bisucit uses her nen to create an assistant by the name of Ms. Yoshi, who can give a "piano massage" that allows a person to sleep for a half hour and feel as if he/she had a full eight hours of sleep. While this ability hasn't been shown useful to actual combat, it can really impact training speeds and allow more time to get it completed.
[edit] Diego
[edit] Gensuru
Gensuru | |
Nen type: | Emission |
Nen ability: | Countdown Little Flower |
Gensuru is also known as "Bomber"
Among the players of the Greed Island game, Gensuru first appeared as a member of the grandiose allied players. He played a role as an informer and perhaps a high position member of the group for the last 5 years. It was later revealed that he placed a Nen time bomb on every members of the allied group, threatening to exchanged their lives for all the designated cards they hold. Sadistic and evil, he did not kept his promise to the end and detonated his Nen time bombs, as a result killing all the members of the allied group.
Gensuru was later accompanied by his own teammates, Sabu and Bara, and continued to amass the rest of the designated cards to end the game through any means. He was later defeated by Gon's party in a mano-a-mano, where Gon spotted his weakness and overconfidence.
- Nen Abilities: Countdown and Little Flower
"Countdown" is a destructive curse type nen, where Gensuru places an invisible "time bomb" onto an opponent through saying a secret word (which is "bomber"). To reveal and begin the countdown of the bomb, he has to explain how this skill works, including the method for removing the bomb, as a condition of activation. In order to remove the time bomb, while making contact with Gensuru an opponent must say "I caught bomber." "Little Flower" is a smaller explosive type skill that he uses in close combat by grabbing targets with his hands. Using a type of Kou, Gensuru focuses the aura to his hands in order to create an explosion where he touches his opponent. It is incredibly destructive as well, as shown when the ability blew up Gon's hands. The weakness of this skill is that Gensuru has to protect his own hands with nen while using it, thus leaving the rest of his body less protected of nen aura.
[edit] Geretta
Geretta (Gereda) | |
Candidate number: | No. 384 |
- Final Outcome: Killed at Stage 4
Geretta is adept in hunting down animals, and is a frequent candidate for the Exam. His weapon is a blowpipe with darts laced with a neurological poison that immobilizes victims. He can track down his victim and lie undetected in the shadows, until opportunity strikes before he makes the deadly move. Gon was the unfortunate victim in stage 4, and had his number tag taken from him. Even more unfortunate was the eventual fate of Geretta, who was killed by the hands of Hisoka during one of his moments of bloodlust.
[edit] Gon Freecss
[edit] Hisoka
[edit] Jail
Jail (Meleoron) | |
Nen ability: | Perfect Plan |
A chameleon-like ant who has the ability to make himself invisible, and anyone who touches him when he activates this ability would also gain invisibility. He plans to use this ability to defeat the Emperor Ant, by finding a partner who is able to strike a fatal blow at the Emperor Ant while they are hidden. Jail actually has three abilities. The first is his invisibility, and the other ants think that it's fine if they keep an ear out. However, his second ability is that he's undetectable as long as he's holding his breath. His third is that if he's in contact with somebody, they also become invisible.
[edit] Kastro
Kastro | |
Nen type: | Reinforcement (Enhancement) |
Kastro is a prominent fighter in the Celestial Tower and apparently a celebrity, as he is constantly giving out autographs. He hangs out on the 200th floor of the Celestial Tower with the intent on building enough wins to become a Floor Master. His only loss was to Hisoka, so he trained rigorously to improve his nen. After accumulating nine wins (ten wins are needed to be a Floor Master), he challenges Hisoka to a rematch.
While he is quick out of the gate, delivering Hisoka a few brutal punches without Hisoka knowing what's going on, Hisoka realizes that Kastro used his nen to create a double of himself and that Kastro has been working in tandem with his clone to execute ambushes. Hisoka then performs a magic trick (using his nen, of course) to confuse Kastro, which makes Kastro just unstable enough to give Hisoka a win. It is likely that Kastro died after the fight, though this is not certain.
Later, Hisoka contemplates about his strategies: It seems that Hisoka used a complex illusion to throw off Kastro's balance. Kastro gets dirtied from the blows to him, and Hisoka realizes that Kastro's double was merely a reflection of what Kastro saw of himself. While the real Kastro was getting dirtier, his clone remained spotless and was thus easy to distinguish.
Kastro's undoing was in the type of nen that he had chosen. Although born to the reinforcement type nen, Kastro decided to make his ability that of materialization and manipulation. A reinforcement type's maximum ability in these fields is 60% at best, so Kastro would never be able to use his full potential.
[edit] Killua Zaoldyeck
[edit] Knuckle Bine
Knuckle Bine | |
Nen type: | Specialization |
Morau's disciple, one of the characters sent to NGL. Knuckle is an UMA (Unidentified Mysterious Animal) Hunter. Despite looking like a fierce, brutal and very aggressive man, deep inside he is a very caring man who is easily moved to tears, and seems to get along well with animals (he has a habit of picking up abandoned dogs and cats).
His nen ability involves summoning a small flying creature onto the opponent after a successful hit from Knuckle. The creature would constantly "lend" nen to his opponent (displayed by a counter). During this time, any attacks done to Knuckle by his opponent "return" the lent nen to him, and would lower the counter. Until all lent nen are returned to him, Knuckle could not get damaged. After every minute, the nen that was lent gathers "interest," and accumulates. Once the total nen lent exceeds the total nen of the opponent, the creature lending nen would turn into a demon to haunt the victim, and drain all of his nen for 1 month. Knuckle could also track the location of the victim at all times.
[edit] Komugi
Komugi is a blind girl who is a genius at Gung-gi, a fictional board game of Hunter x Hunter. She is introduced during the Chimera Ant arc and frequently plays the Emperor Ant in Gung-Gi games. The Emperor Ant seems to be developing some feelings towards her, despite her being a human.
[edit] Kurapika
[edit] Leorio
[edit] Mito Freecss
Mito Freecss | |
Date of birth: | September 7th |
Blood type: | A |
Height: | 162 cm |
Weight: | 50 kg |
In the manga Mito did not want Gon to become a Hunter because Ging only came back home once after he took the Hunter's exam. She did not want Gon to leave his family like Ging did. In the manga, Ging is Mito's cousin. However in the HxH novel and anime, Gon's mother was Mito's sister and Ging was her brother in law. Mito was angry with Ging because he left her sister all alone at home and she had to watch her sister look sadly out of the window in hope of her husband returning. Her sister gave birth to Gon and died soon afterwards without seeing her husband ever again. Mito did not want Gon to become a Hunter who did not care about his family like his father. As such, she fights and wins for custody over Gon. However, now that Gon has left, she tries he best to support him in his journey.
Mito is a kind woman that accepts Killua as one of Gon's friends despite learning that he is an assassin, and she feels that people must do everything they can to save another's life. When Gon and Killua found a wounded animal in the forest, Mito slapped Killua for suggesting to kill it and put it out of its misery, and because of this, they came up with the alternate solution of healing it with their nen.
[edit] Morau
Morau | |
Nen type: | Emission |
He is a Hunter who uses a pipe and smoke as his main weapon, and who has a great sense of compassion (his student, Knuckle, comments that his compassionate side is much like his master). The smoke that he uses are for his nen ability. They could take various forms (such as rabbits or soldiers), and could act independently to him once a command (such as scouting or simple attacks) are given to them.
[edit] Amori Brothers (The) (No. 197, 198, 199)
Amori Brothers (The) | |
Candidate number: | No. 187, 198 and 100 |
Often wrongly addressed as the "Yamori" brothers to their aggravation, the three are more pen-knife wielding junkies than real fighters, much of their success in the Hunter exam is due to the close-knit cooperation between them. Always appearing in a trio, the brothers share a close bond between each other. During stage 4, Killua managed to get hold of the youngest brother, who was stalking him at that time. To save his life, the two older brothers willingly gave up their hunter tags.
They encounter Gon and Killua again in the Sky Tower where they complain of an "annoying brat". Killua turns around menacingly, asking if they were referring to him. The three of them bolt in fear.
[edit] Nefelpitou
Nefelpitou | |
Nen type: | Specialization |
A cat-humanoid Chimera ant, whom happens to be one of the Emperor's personal royal guards. Nefelpitou has an extremely powerful synchronization with his nen, as he has been shown to be able to use it unlike anyone else before. His 'En' is irregularly shaped, rather than a regular circle, so that he can extend a tendril for up to two miles. He killed Kaito and had later revived him as a puppet using his abilities--repairing human body parts and puppeteering. He gets distracted easily and loves to play a lot. The most naive, or rather simple-minded of the three guards.
Despite his cheerful and seemingly naive manner, he has been shown to have terrifying power and have a level of extreme sadism. Kaito, Gon, Killua, and other hunters have commented that his power is unlike anything they've ever sensed before.
[edit] Neon Nostrade
Neon Nostrade | |
Nen type: | Specialization |
Nen ability: | Lovely Ghost Writer |
Neon is the daughter of Kurapika's boss, Light Nostrade. Neon once had nine personal bodyguards, Kurapika being one of them, but only four of them are alive now. Kurapika is the present leader of her bodyguards because his predecessor was killed by the Genei Ryodan.
Neon's Nen ability is the power to foretell people's future, but she can't foretell her own future. To do this, she must have a person's name (a nickname will do) the date of birth, (the year as well) and the person's Blood Type written down on paper. If the person is not present while she is using her Lovely Ghost Writer, a photo of the person's face is needed too. Neon does not know what she writes because the ghost that appears on her arm does it automatically for her. All she has to do it to pick up a pen or a pencil and just let her arm write for her.
The person's future is foretold by four lined verses. Each verse represents a week of the month (so it is best to have your future foretold by Neon at the beginning of the month.) If there is something bad in store in the future, the poem tells you how to avoid it. If you do as the poem says, it is possible to avoid these nasty "events".
[edit] Netero’s Secretary
Looks to be a talking potato-head, though one thing we can be sure of is that his brains certainly stuffed with things other than starch. Highly factual and exacting in his words- the secretary was the one who gave a presentation on the uses of the Hunter license to the successful candidates of the Exam. He can really become a very successful spokesman of Calbee Potato Chips.
[edit] Novu
A hunter who can create warp gates to a "safe house" dimension, which he creates doors in. It is similar to teleportation, but instead of instantly arriving at the destination he goes to his "safe house." His safe house is basically a windowless room, with multiple doors around the room. Within the safe house he can store items and/or people. He had a nervous breakdown by approaching the Royal Guards. His apprentice is Palm, whom has a major crush on him.
[edit] Ponzu (No. 289)
Ponzu | |
Candidate number: | No. 289 |
- Outcome: Disqualified at stage 4.
Being the only prominent female who managed to enter the last few stages of the exam, Ponzu's secret weapon lies in the pink round hat she wears. For living beneath it are a pack of stinging hornets that emerge and attack people that threaten her. In addition, she attacks using a variety of medicines and drugs. Although being a minor character in the series, her cute and girlish charm has won her some fans who voted for her in an early Hunter poll.
In the Chimera Ant arc, she makes a re-appearance along with Pokkuru. However, she is quickly shot in the face and killed.
[edit] Reiza
Reiza is one of the Gamemasters and a creator of Greed Island. Reiza was entrusted by Gon's father that he was not to hold back against his son should he ever comes to Greed Island. Reiza is a tall and well built man by appearance and perhaps likes to play sports (especially ball games) as a pastime.
Reiza is a key person in getting one of the hardest designated card of the game. To get the card, the challengers must confront Reiza and his 14 devils. It was learned that the 14 devils were not the pirates that follows him but his ability to conjure 14 nen creatures at will. He was defeated in a deadly Dodgeball game by Gon's allied party(consisting of Gon, Killua, Biscuit, Hisoka, and several other hunter/players hired by Battera).
Reiza later revealed to Gon that he was a former convict along the same as the pirates here whom were exiled to Greed Island. Reiza is also the warden of these convicts. He became one of Ging's best friends and entrusted to look after the island. Reiza's power is speculated to be more powerful than even with Gon, Killua and Hisoka combined.
[edit] Shoot
Knuckle's partner, he can teleport and change size of objects following certain conditions.
[edit] Suoer
Suoer (Sommy) | |
Candidate number: | No. 118 |
- Outcome: Disqualified at stage 4.
With a trained monkey that follows him wherever he goes, Suoer teamed up with Tompa to steal Leorio's number tag at stage 4 of the exam. However, the tables were turned on the duo when Kurapica intervened and foiled their plot, resulting for the pair to get kicked out of the exam. Even his monkey did the final act of 'betrayal' by sidling up to Kurapika, revealing the hidden location of Leorio's hidden tag.
[edit] Tompa
Tompa | |
Age: | 45 |
Candidate number: | No. 16 |
Blood type: | A |
Nicknamed the "Rookie Crusher" by other candidates with more experience taking the exam, Tompa has taken the exam for 35 consecutive terms, but has somehow never managed to pass. He often brags of his experience to newbie’s and then offers a helping hand. Of course, this is merely subterfuge as he takes a perverse pleasure in sabotaging their attempts to get the license.
This time around, he trailed Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio while attempting various means to foil their advancement. In order to do this, he used methods like spiking drinks with a strong laxative, feigning fatigue to delay the group's progress, and other nasty tactics. To his chagrin, these had no measurable effect on their progress.
[edit] Wing
Wing | |
Nen type: | Reinforcement (Enhancement) |
Wing is a Nen trainer who's main student is Zushi, who meets Gon and Killuia at the Celestial Tower. Although in the beginning he refuses to train Gon and Killuia, and even lies to them about Nen's purpose, he changes his mind when they reach the 200th floor, as he realizes they could die or be badly injured from nen "initiation". For the next several months he trains them in Nen.
[edit] Zushi
Zushi | |
Age: | 10 |
Nen type: | Manipulation |
Zushi is a young boy who studies fighting and Nen under Wing. He is a formidable fighter and a prodigy in his own right, said to have skills only 1 out of 100,000 people have. However, he is quickly surpassed by Gon and Killua, who are said to have skills only 1 out of 10,000,000 people have. Which probably made him want to train harder.
Hunter × Hunter |
Anime: List of Hunter × Hunter episodes |
Characters: Gon | Killua | Kurapika | Leorio | Hisoka | Kuroro |
Groups: Hunters | Genei Ryodan | Zaoldyeck family |Other Characters |
Other: Greed Island | Nen | Yoshihiro Togashi |